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He Zheng didn't answer, Nanmen Liang paused, and then said: "Your Majesty has already made concessions for you to such an extent, if the good leader is still obsessed, I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future."

He Zheng finally looked over, "You threaten me?"

Nanmen Liang sighed: "The slave is just reminding the good leader. If a relationship is repeatedly paid and cannot be responded to, anyone will give up, not to mention that he is the master of the world."

He Zheng turned his head.

Nanmen Liang was puzzled, this He Shanshou is not stupid, why is he so stubborn? What else did he say, Fang Tianzhuo suddenly opened his eyes: "Go out."

Nanmen Liang immediately stood up and bowed respectfully and stepped back. He Zheng turned back to look at him, surprise flashed in his eyes: "Are you awake, drink water?"

"Well." Fang Tianzhuo sat up with his body propped up, He Zheng handed it over with water, the former took a sip from his hand, and then leaned against the bedside and looked at him.

He Zheng suspected that he should have heard what Nanmen Liangcai said. The other party is indeed the most considerate servant. He probably spoke his heart out. An emperor let him go to this point, and he continued to take Qiao I really don't know what to do.

"Your Majesty...have something to say?"

"Why is Zheng'er dissatisfied with me?"

"No dissatisfaction."

Fang Tianzhuo stroked his knuckles and said slowly, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Seeing that his neckline was loosened, revealing the snow-white bandage inside, He Zheng stretched out his hand and pulled it for him, saying, "Take care of your injury and don't think about it."

Fang Tianzhuo suddenly pinched his chin and looked at him for a long time. He Zheng was disturbed: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

Fang Tianzhuo said, "Sleep with me for a while."

He Zheng knew that he was injured, but was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable, so he obediently climbed onto the bed and lay beside him, rubbing his head against him. He was obedient when he should be obedient, and troubled when he should be troubled. Fang Tianzhuo's mind kept repeating what He Wenchu ​​said. He closed his eyes, squeezed his fingers, and wasted a lot of strength before Suppress that arrogant killing intent.

"When I was seven years old, I also met a little fairy."

He Zheng was stunned, his eyes widened: "Seven years old?"

Queen Wang's full name is Wang Zhihe. Although she and Jiang Yan's family backgrounds are very different, because Jiang Yan's elder brother is a disciple of Wang's father, they also have friendship after coming and going. This is quite a **** story. Two good girls fall in love with a scholar at the same time, but the scholar only likes Jiang Yan, who has a softer personality.

He even died for saving Jiang Yan who fell into the water.

This account was recorded on Jiang Yan's head by Wang Zhihe.

Before the age of seven, Fang Tianzhuo was protected by his mother and concubine. Even if his life was difficult, the affairs between adults could not involve the child. After the age of seven, he fell from heaven to purgatory, and the queen often punched him. Slaps, corporal punishment for excuses, every minute and every second, his life is quite difficult.

He thought about death and wanted to find his mother, so he jumped into the water. But how could Queen Wang let him die so easily? He was rescued. That was the first time he felt that he had been redeemed. He saw a small face carved in pink and jade. The raised eyebrows suddenly stretched: "You wake up, are you alright?"

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