Extra 26 (End)

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For the second pregnancy, He Zheng was far more calm than the first time. For Fang Tianzhuo, this incident was both surprising and surprising. He never imagined that He Zheng would still be willing to give birth to a child for him.

"I'm not for you, I'm for A Gu." He Zheng said, Fang Tianzhuo lowered his eyes. In the past few years, not only He Zheng's temper has become milder, but he is also much more reasonable than before, but he is still the same as before in matters beyond the bottom line.

He didn't care about He Zheng's duplicity, hugged him gently, put his palms on his abdomen, and said with a smile: "No matter what, I thank Zheng'er."

He Zheng wondered: "Thank you for what?"

"I keep thinking that I didn't take good care of Zheng'er back then."

He always felt that it was difficult for He Zheng to give birth to a child that day, probably as Shenyi Luo said, because he was not good to him.

He Zheng suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and his heart began to feel faintly sweet, and deliberately said: "Then give you another chance, take good care of me."

Fang Tianzhuo pressed his lips to his cheek, and said softly, "Thank you for my husband."

Since he came here, apart from just beginning to wonder how to use modern kitchen utensils, he has hardly been in the kitchen for the rest of the time. Anyway, since he has an imperial kitchen, he and He Zheng will never starve to death.

But since he found out that He Zheng was pregnant, he began to look up information from all sides, and did everything by himself. It was really like what he said, as if to make up for the regret of not taking good care of He Zheng last time.

He Zheng's pregnancy is obviously impossible to avoid from his parents. In fact, the He family's parents have been doubting the authenticity of He Zheng's words all these years, but when the facts are in front of them, they are still stunned.

The most direct performance is that their opponent Tianzhuo is even better.

Yes, even better than before.

It happened that the opposite of He Zheng was in a hurry to sell the house these days. Father He bought it without hesitation and moved directly with his mother.

And He Zheng was served very well during this time. He could eat when he wanted to, and sleep when he wanted to sleep. Fang Tianzhuo didn't completely order him not to play games. .

Fang Changgu also got a short respite during this time, but because he was worried about the sudden random inspection by the father, he still worked very hard.

But as soon as his parents moved in, He Zheng immediately realized that something was wrong, "Well, you don't have to hustle. Your Majesty will take care of me, so you can relax."

Not only did his parents not relax, they also accused him: "How can the king of a country cook for you? You can really do it."

"He wanted to, but I didn't force him." He Zheng really didn't know, so he found that his parents were a little abnormal now that the other party was so good. Tianzhuo will send it to his bowl later, he rolled his eyes: "Is it my pregnancy or he is pregnant?"

"You still have the face!" His mother glared at him: "I don't know how to tell us the truth, you child."

His father was distressed and angry, and silently gave Fang Changgu a big chicken leg.

When Fang Tianzhuo stood up while washing the dishes, his father rushed over immediately, while his mother went to wash the fruit and put them on the table with a smile, saying, "You guys, watch TV, ah Zhuo, if you have anything, you can go to work, just leave the work in the kitchen to us."

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