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He Zheng looked at Fang Tianzhuo silently, struggling between restraining himself and letting go of himself, his expression gradually became fierce, Fang Tianzhuo subconsciously distanced himself from him, and he was suddenly hit on the chest with his head: "Don't go! !"

Fang Tianzhuo: "..."

He Zheng didn't expect him to hide, and felt aggrieved that he couldn't hit his head. Fang Tianzhuo reached out and hugged him and asked, "What if the imperial concubine is really critically ill?"

"Let her die!"

After He Zheng finished speaking, he was reprimanded by morals again, and said dully: "You better go."

This incident made He Zheng truly realize that Fang Tianzhuo could have countless men and women around him, and he not only wanted to give them glory and wealth, but also be responsible for them.

He suddenly felt a little nauseated, thinking that Fang Tianzhuo would treat others the same way he treats him, his heart felt as if he had eaten flies.

But from a rational point of view, the imperial concubine is just a pitiful person. She followed such a man, and even used this method to ask him to see him.

"Why is Zheng'er so capricious?"

He Zheng glanced at him, but after the psychological process just now, he suddenly felt that Fang Tianzhuo had become so bad, the filter on the golden plaque had retreated a bit, he frowned and said: "Then Do you want to see her?"

"I want Zheng'er to be accurate."

"Go." He Zheng said: "But if you care about me, you must know that I am very unhappy, and even start to hate you because of this. It is difficult for me to like someone, but it is very difficult to hate someone. It's easy, when I hate you, everything you do is wrong, and everything you do will be annoying."

He babbled so much, in the end he still didn't want to let him go, Fang Tianzhuo chuckled and said, "Zheng'er is so domineering and jealous, what can I do?"

He Zheng was silent for a moment, then said seriously: "I said this to show that I really care about Your Majesty, but in fact, I don't mind at all, I am a very generous person by nature."

Maybe it was because he was too serious, Fang Tianzhuo smiled slightly: "Really?"

He Zheng glared at him, and suddenly hit him with his head again: "You are so annoying, isn't it your own decision to go or not?"

"Zheng'er go with me."

"What am I going to do? She's not my wife!" He Zheng was indignant, and he was still gloomy when he pulled his paws out.

In fact, he knew that Qiu Shuiluo was provoked by the plaque at the gate of the palace. Whether the illness was real or not, it was her and Fang Tianzhuo's business, and he didn't want to get involved at all.

He was dragged into the sedan chair by Fang Tianzhuo, and his heart became more and more unhappy, so he smashed Fang Tianzhuo with his head a few times. Fang Tianzhuo had to hold his head with his hand to prevent him from suddenly attacking: "Don't make trouble."

He Zheng was about to die of grievance: "The little prince said he didn't want to go! He didn't want to see the father's eldest wife! The little prince also said, the father is so annoying! Why do you have so many wives! Why do you force your father to see him? Wife! Why should daddy go to see the father's wife, what if he gets angry and gets rid of his son!"

Fang Tianzhuo: "..."

"The little prince said, it's not good, my father is really angry and angry, and now I don't want my son at all! He's annoying the son to death, and the father quickly thinks of a way! Otherwise, the son will be gone!"

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