Ch 34

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This question was too sudden, and after He Zheng was stunned for a while, his heart throbbed again.

He didn't dare to think about that episode at all. As long as he thought about it, his abdomen felt a pain like a knife cut. This kind of pain was real, just like he had experienced it. He seemed to feel the cells when the abdomen was cut open. Every inch was torn apart, and the intense pain eventually constituted a terrifying pain, as well as the horror of the scalp tingling when the hand peeled off the skin and reached into the abdominal cavity to grope.

He held on to his stomach, his face turned pale, and he barely stood still after throwing the terrifying scene out.

Fang Tianzhuo's brow wrinkled in his series of reactions, He Zheng turned his head and said nothing.

Who knows if Fang Tianzhuo can't think of another way to kill, so he came here to learn. He has neither cheated nor rebelled now. If he really wants to die at that time, maybe it won't be so miserable, but if he says that, if he inspires Fang Tianzhuo, what should he do again just like that?

Fang Tianzhuo took a small step forward, forcing him to breathe, "Look at me, tell me."

He Zheng had no way to retreat, no way to hide, and suddenly glared back fiercely, but the moment he touched Fang Tianzhuo's eyes, he avoided it by conditioned reflex.

He was extremely angry in his heart, but... Fang Tianzhuo was really scary, he didn't have the courage to look at him at all, he was so angry!

Fang Tianzhuo's chest was also blocked, and the threatening words in his mind turned around a few times, but he finally softened his tone: "You have saved He Qing's life, if you tell me this, maybe you can Avoid."

He Zheng clenched his fingers, his chest heaving in anger.

"He Zheng." Fang Tianzhuo's patience was almost exhausted. If He Zheng contradicted him directly, the matter would be resolved easily, but the problem was that the other party shivered first after the collision, like a courageous animal. The little animal that stretched out its claws to test his bottom line, gave him a casual look, and he would cry in horror.

He felt that he had met the most troublesome person in his life, neither beating nor scolding, dragging him out and slashing, and even looking at him was a heinous crime.

He exhaled, suppressed the surging anger again, stretched out his hand to hook his cheek, turned around, and said, "Tell me."

Even if the tone is gentle, it is also the command of the king.

He didn't want to give He Zheng another chance to escape.

He Zheng finally gave a reaction.

He raised his eyelashes, his eyes were red, and he pursed his mouth tightly: "You, you killed me... You, life, life... cut me off..."

Tears welled up, He Zheng couldn't say a complete word in his frown that was getting tighter and tighter. He pinched himself hard, forcing himself to stand firm, not daring to look at him, his tone was calm with forcible restraint : "You also cut off my legs and stepped on my...arms, can you imagine? I am like a frog that was opened, and you are the murderous butcher!"

"No, you are a devil, great devil!"

At the end, his legs were weak, he pushed Fang Tianzhuo away with all his strength, ran back to the room in a rush, closed the door and slumped inside.

He was breathing heavily, his face pale and shaking.

He listened carefully, it was very quiet around him, Fang Tianzhuo did not follow, he was alert for a while, got up exhausted and threw himself on the bed.

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