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He followed hehe and laughed three times.

Fang Tianzhuo was amused by him and asked, "What are you doing standing on my feet?"

"I'm afraid that I accidentally step on something. Your Majesty has to protect me." After he finished speaking, he hugged Fang Tianzhuo's waist tightly and put his face in his arms.

In fact, he was indeed a little tired, but he was still curious about the treasures in this treasure pavilion. When he came over to see Fang Tianzhuo, he was overjoyed, and finally he was able to be lazy about Lai's family.

Fang Tianzhuo enjoyed the feeling of being leaned on by him. He let He Zheng stick to himself and moved his feet slowly.

The things in the Treasure Pavilion are not packed in boxes, but are placed on specially-made iron shelves. Fang Tianzhuo probably saw that he wanted to be lazy and disliked him for slowing down his pace, and later he simply put him He hugged them: "These are all sacred items. There are small organs in front of each small object. Some of them are poisoned, and they will die if you touch them."

He Zheng wanted to reach out and touch it, but after hearing it, he quickly shrank back, "This, so precious?"

Fang Tian burned his jaw, He Zheng was hugged by him for a while, his feet gradually rested, so he got down from his arms and held him obediently, letting him explain the source of these treasures. Most of these things are jade wares, or bottles or ornaments, all of which are extremely delicate. There are also some rare medicines, such as the annual snow ginseng snow lotus, and there is even a medicinal pill that is said to be able to bring back the dead. It is contained in a box with delicate patterns. , the box itself is like a treasure, it is exquisite, and it has a wonderful mechanism. You can only get the medicine pill when you open it. He Zheng is amazed by it.

"Can this really bring the dead back to life?"

Fang Tianzhuo said with a smile: "Then you will only know if you die."

He Zheng knew that this era was underdeveloped, and many legends were just legends, but this is not the real era.

He had to sigh, no wonder there were always gods stealing treasures from the palace when watching TV dramas in the past. Not to mention those fantastic things, just take those peerless medicinal materials, they are worth stealing.

There is also a night pearl hanging in the air, the kind that He Zheng can't hold with one hand. He Zheng is amazed by all kinds of rare treasures. He continued to go forward, and He Zheng suddenly saw a jade pendant also hanging in the air. He stared at the jade for a long time and said, "What kind of treasure is this?"

"The Lin pattern warm pendant can prolong life, ward off evil spirits and exorcise disasters. If people who often have nightmares wear them, they can sleep well."

"This..." He Zheng said: "Yes, can you take it down and have a look?"

Fang Tianzhuo turned off the mechanism, the jade pendant lost its buoyancy, fell down and was caught by him. He handed it to He Zheng and said, "Have you seen this jade?"

"It looks familiar." He Zheng looked over and over, frowning: "This seems to be the one I wore before. When I was seven, I didn't often dream of winning by mistake... Cough, in a place with a lot of yin, just, Later, my father spent a lot of money to help me photograph such a baby, and after wearing it, I never went there again."

"it's the same?"

"It's the same, but the name is different. My name is Turtle. I got the name and said it can live a long life."

Fang Tianzhuo: "..."

He said, "Since it's Zheng'er, let's continue to wear it."

"But isn't this your baby?"

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