Extra 8(Two Worlds)

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After settling the bill, Fang Tianzhuo followed him with his things, thinking of the things in here, he felt that the shopping bag was also a little hot.

He Zheng passed the milk tea shop on the underground pedestrian street and asked him, "Azhuo, do you want to drink that?"

Fang Tianzhuo shook his head, he didn't like messy food very much, He Zheng took the unfinished cake in one hand, walked over to ask for a cup of milk tea, and saw the Oden that he hadn't eaten for a long time, he sucked in his saliva and asked Fang Tianzhuo: "Do you want to eat?"

"Don't eat."

He Zheng then handed the milk tea cup to him and ordered an Oden. He was very obedient. After bringing it over, he gave Fang Tianzhuo a bite and asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

Fang Tianzhuo did not say a word or slept. After swallowing what was in his mouth, he said, "...weird."

He Zheng crossed something else and handed it over: "Try this again."

It is estimated that the food just now was really weird, this time he only took a small bite, and still shook his head. How can there be young people who don't like to eat oden... He Zheng murmured in his heart, but he wouldn't eat it if he changed it to someone else, he could only think that Fang Tianzhuo was not a young man, he was an old-fashioned feudalist Old gentleman, just put on the skin of a young man.

He Zheng directly stuffed what he had bitten into his mouth, and when he took the escalator to go up, he told him with lingering fears: "There have been some accidents on this kind of escalator, and now I am frightened every time I go up and down the elevator. I stepped on the air and got mixed in."

Fang Tianzhuo chuckled, his queen is a coward everywhere.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect Zheng'er."

He Zheng suddenly turned to look at him, he had a large piece of oden in his mouth, his cheeks puffed up like a hamster, his eyes were full of joy, he bent his eyes and smiled. The escalator moved up to their heads under the affectionate gaze of the two. He Zheng was tripped abruptly, Fang Tianzhuo couldn't open his hands, and hurriedly stepped out to support him with his body.

After He Zheng stood firm, he scolded him inarticulately: "Why do you seduce people in the daytime?"

Fang Tianzhuo raised his eyebrows, and put the milk tea in his hand to his mouth, He Zheng took a sip through the straw, ate the pearl of the Q bomb, and urged him with satisfaction: "You can drink it too, taste it, it's delicious. ."

Fang Tianzhuo looked left and right, he always felt that it was a bit strange to drink with a straw. After making sure that no one was looking at him, he tentatively grabbed the straw and took a sip.

He Zheng hit him with his shoulder: "How is it?"

"Well." Fang Tianzhuo nodded: "It's okay."

He Zheng was very happy, he had Fang Tianzhuo's favorite food here.

In the mother and baby city, He's father and He's mother are choosing a crib for the little baby. From their point of view, they can see He Zheng with a small cake and an Oden, and Fang Tianzhuo with a shopping bag and a milk tea cup. In the eyes of the two elders, this way of getting along feels a little weird.


"Huh?" He Zheng retracted his mouth from the straw, swallowed the food, and greeted them slowly, "Dad, Mom."

Parents have bought a car for the baby, and the little guy is sitting softly in it. I don't know if it is because he came to this world for the first time, he is new to everything, and He Zheng has the unfinished food in his hand. Handed it to his mother, squatted down to kiss him with a smile, the baby squeezed his eyes to hide, his father quickly grabbed his collar: "Wipe your mouth clean, it will make his face oily later."

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