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The golden cup is a little too dazzling. He Zheng carefully treasured it, just like treasure his former head.

He felt beautiful in his heart, and he saw that everything was beautiful, and the palace maids and eunuchs around him also became gods. When He Wen first got the brand, he came to look for He Zheng from time to time. He came early today and saw that he was sitting in front of the mirror being served and combed his hair. He leaned lazily to the side and said, "Wake up so late?"

He Zheng immediately stepped back, stood up with a reserved expression, and asked, "Do you think I'm different today?"

"Not the same, is your belly getting bigger again?"

He Zheng was not unhappy either, he smiled like a flower and said, "Don't you think that my face is very good?"

It's true, the white and tender face is rosy and full, and the spirit of the whole person is dazzling, but He Wenchu's face is not happy: "What? That beast hurt you last night?"

He Zheng's cheeks were flushed, and he came over and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't say that to him."

He told Fang Tianzhuo's imitation of He Wenchu's good things to him, and his expression was excited. Seeing that his brother was still indifferent, he patted him: "He is really good, you don't want to trouble him on purpose. , Even with us, few people can achieve this level, right?"

"Why, brother is not good to you?"

"You two can't be compared. You are my brother, and you have become accustomed to me for decades. He is the emperor."

"So you think he is better than your brother and your parents?" He Wenchu ​​looked at him and said, "It seems that my brother really loves you so much, you take it for granted that you have given too much. Give you a little benefit, and you won't know who you are."

Seeing that he was displeased, He Zheng quietly pulled away the stool to hide, and said softly, "Of course not, my brother is forever."

He Wenchu's expression softened slightly, and said, "Your brother will always be your brother, but your husband is not necessarily so."

"How did you talk..." He Zheng complained with a wrinkled face, and he gave him a cold look and encouraged: "It's so reasonable, I really should say a few more words."

He Wenchu ​​deeply felt that He Zheng was deceived by Fang Tianzhuo, he frowned for a moment, and said, "Mom gave me a menu yesterday, and let me cook you something delicious."

He Zheng's eyes lit up, "Really? What are you doing?"

He Wenchu ​​said: "Anyway, there are no crayfish, and the materials here are too scarce, except for your newly emerging aquaculture industry, and the seasonings are not as abundant as ours. You can eat what you want."

He Zheng nodded immediately and said, "Thank you, brother!"

"Where is the kitchen?"

He Zheng took him to the small kitchen of his Pize Hall to open a small stove, but when he went out, he met Fang Tianzhuo, who was facing the next court. He Wenchu ​​glanced at him, and his face suddenly became very ugly. He pulled Fang Tianzhuo and said, "Brother wants to cook a big meal for me. Your Majesty will change clothes first and come over to eat later."

He Wenchu ​​squinted his eyes: "Unless he comes to fight me, don't try to touch the dishes I make."

Another suffocating smell of gunpowder, He Zheng whispered: "Your Majesty, go and change your clothes first."

He Wenchu ​​grabbed He Zheng's wrist, Fang Tianzhuo raised his brows, put his backhand around He Zheng's waist, looked at each other, sword drawn and crossed, He Zheng looked left and right, and pushed Fang Tianzhuo cautiously: " Me, I'll take my brother to the kitchen first."

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