Ch 12

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In the forest as He Run said, hundreds of birds contend for singing. It is spring, and the trees have just given birth to new leaves. It is too late to be lush enough to cover the sky. The eyes are green, the air is fresh, and the temperature is very suitable.

Fang Tianzhuo taught He Zheng how to ride a horse. The latter nodded and couldn't help but look at General He who was deliberately keeping a distance behind.

He Run didn't know why, and every time he met his gaze, he smiled gently.

General He, as his name suggests, has a gentle personality, but this is only for getting along with each other in peacetime. If he is on the battlefield, it is also the master who blocks people and kills Buddha. His personality can be said to be two extremes.

Speaking of him and Fang Tianzhuo being together, it was really a proper sadomasochism. Grandpa He Run also worked in Yingcheng. Later, he resigned and went home because he realized that he was involved in royal secrets. At that time, when He Run was not born, when he was about five years old, a group of mysterious people suddenly rushed to their house. The entire He family was washed with blood, and He Run was saved from death because he was taken out to play in the suburbs by the family.

From some clues, he gradually realized that his family's annihilation was related to a certain high-ranking official, so he joined the army at the age of sixteen, and after five years of mixing, he has reached the point where he is today, relying on military merit to enter the officialdom and conduct secret investigations.

Later, unfortunately, he found out that the murder of the He family was actually the work of the late emperor, that is to say, Fang Tianzhuo was the son of the enemy. Fang Tianzhuo is moody and domineering. This general can't see anything on weekdays, but when it comes to the bottom line, he will not give in an inch. Therefore, when Yuan He Zheng was killed, he was holding back and prepared to join outsiders to kill Fang Tianzhuo. , and also had the idea of ​​his own enthronement.

As for whether it was successful or not, what the author plans to write later, unfortunately, He Zheng only saw that the original owner was cut open, and then he died suddenly, so it is unknown.

Of course, at this moment General He didn't know that Fang Tianzhuo was the son of his enemy, so he was still loyal.

But if He Zheng were to write this ending, these two would definitely be BEs. Anyway, if it was him, he would never allow himself to fall in love with the son of his exterminator, let alone Fang Tianzhuo, a tyrannical guy. .

He had some sympathy for He Run, but that was all. As a very self-aware cannon fodder, He Zheng only hopes to save his own life. As for the deep sadomasochistic relationship between the two protagonists, he really doesn't want to care about it.

After taking a peek at him, He Zheng opened his mouth: "The general is so familiar with this forest, wouldn't it be unfair to others if Chunhun comes on stage?"

He Run couldn't help laughing. Participate in this spring hunt."

He Zheng suddenly realized: "No wonder, I just said, how could Your Majesty be so ill-considered."

Fang Tianzhuo lowered his eyes, he was slowly getting used to He Zheng's occasional flattery.

He Zheng said again: "But I heard that General He is extremely skilled in martial arts and superb in archery. If you can't participate in the Spring Hunting, wouldn't everyone lose your eyesight?"

He Run said, "You can rest assured, Young Master, the young heroes who have won the city will be ready for this Spring Hunting. It's worth watching without me waiting."

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