Extra 23(Prince's daily life)

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Fang Rui, the word is long Gu.

When he was very young, he found that his parents were different from others. For example, everyone outside had short hair, while his parents had long hair.

In his ignorance, he found that he had two fathers, but one of them asked him to be called Father Huang.

There is a very magical mirror in his house. After people get into it, they will travel to another world. For a long time, he thought that other people's homes also have a mirror that can travel through ancient and modern times. He didn't know that it was not until he grew up.

On this day, he heard that his father was arguing with his father, and it seemed to be about sending him to kindergarten.

When He Zheng was angry, his face turned slightly red and hot, and he glared at the man in front of him angrily: "A Gu is still a child, a baby, he is only three years old, he should go to kindergarten! Instead of carrying those things with you every day Boring ancient poetry!"

Fang Tianzhuo's tone was calm: "It's not just ancient poetry."

It's not just ancient poetry. In the past two years, Fang Tianzhuo has learned a lot, including the very popular English. He can learn everything quickly. He Zheng has lived here for so many years, and now he can't match his vocabulary.

"No, no, no." He Zheng was driven mad by his attitude: "He is so young, you can't force him like this! He should go to kindergarten and run with him, the teacher will teach singing and dancing, just like us Just like the kid next door, look how happy he is every day."

Fang Tianzhuo frowned: "Does his family have a throne to inherit?"

"..." He Zheng was angry: "The succession to the throne cannot deprive children of their childhood!"

Fang Tianzhuo said calmly: "My son is the crown prince. What he wants to learn is to be the king of a country and to be admired by everyone, not to turn around and twist his waist when he sees people, like a little beggar who is courting on the street."

"That kind of child is lovable!"

"He doesn't need to be liked." Fang Tianzhuo was already impatient: "I only have this son, and he is destined to be the emperor of Daying."


"There is no need to discuss this matter." Fang Tianzhuo ended the conversation. He got up and walked out. The little prince widened his eyes and shrank his neck timidly. He Zheng came out again, and he did not dare to defy Fang Tianzhuo. , but what should be said is still to say, he lowered his voice: "Baby, do you want to go to kindergarten to sing and dance?"

The little prince looked up at his father, who was staring at him coldly, and swallowed what he wanted to say: "All, listen to the father."

Even at a young age, he understands that what his father asked his father to do are innocuous little things, but he is the real master of the house. If he says he wants to go to the kindergarten to play, he will not only fail to do so, but may also provoke anger. Father Emperor.

He Zheng glared at Fang Tianzhuo, stretched out his hand to hug his son, and said, "But no matter what, we should give him some time to relax."

Fang Tianzhuo did not reject this request.

Therefore, Fang Changgu has more things than others since elementary school. He is quite smart. He learned the numbers from one to one hundred soon after he started talking. When other children only get shot and not that, his vocabulary The amount has approached hundreds, and when other children began to learn to be sympathetic to farmers, his poems could already be recited.

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