Ch 45

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He Zheng suddenly turned to look at Fang Tianzhuo, half happy and half worried, even though he himself couldn't tell where the joy and sorrow came from.

"His Majesty……"

"come over."

Fang Tianzhuo stood not far away and extended his hand towards him, He Zheng subconsciously walked towards him, He Wenchu ​​took a step forward and shielded He Zheng behind him, his tone was unpleasant: "What is your tone? ."

Another one who dared not to use his honorary title in front of him.

Fang Tianzhuo's face was gloomy and cold, and he squeezed his fingers slightly. Seeing his expression, He Zheng knew that he was angry, so he quickly stuck his head out from behind He Wenchu ​​and grinned: "Your Majesty, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, He Wenchu's expression suddenly changed, he suddenly distanced himself from He Zheng, and changed his attitude: "Go to him."

He Zheng was startled, and hurriedly ran towards Fang Tianzhuo, ignoring the man's cold face, embraced him with open arms, and turned to look at He Wenchu.

He Wenchu's face had become calm, his dark eyes met He Zheng's without blinking, it was obviously the same face, but the feeling was completely different from He Zheng's, he couldn't help shrinking, He turned his face back and buried it in Fang Tianzhuo's arms.

He knew that this was the original ruthless swordsman.

This is too exciting, right? The first second was obviously the pro-brother warrior protecting our back row, and the next second was the enemy's ruthless assassin. Will Fang Tianzhuo treat their brothers as crazy?

After a while, Fang Tianzhuo frowned and pushed him away: "He's gone."

He Zheng stood firm, followed his figure again, stretched out his hand to grab his hand, Fang Tianzhuo pulled it out coldly, He Zheng persevered and grabbed him again, pulling him with both hands together, he could still feel that he was pulling out , so he picked it up and kissed the back of his hand.

"..." Fang Tianzhuo twisted his face.

He Zheng looked at him timidly and obediently.

Fang Tianzhuo let him hold his hand and asked, "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Yes." He Zheng was especially afraid that one day he would kill He Wenchu ​​here, and he would never see his brother again. After thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to tell the truth: "Your Majesty, do you still remember that I came down to earth? A **** of calamity?"

Fang Tianzhuo's expression suddenly seemed like a smile but not a smile: "Then what?"

"Then, my fairy brother came to me."

Fang Tianzhuo stopped, his pupils narrowed: "Speak clearly."

He Zheng swallowed, "I, I said, will you burn me?"

Fang Tianzhuo didn't answer: "Say."

He Zheng pounced on him and kissed him, hung his body directly on him, and said in fear, "Don't burn me, okay?"

Fang Tianzhuo lowered his eyes for a while, then said solemnly, "I won't burn you."

He Zheng was relieved, took his hand again, and pondered for a while, still a little afraid that he would not be able to accept it, he hesitantly said: "Just, just now, that person is actually my brother... When we were immortals together, it was a kiss. Brother, the kind of a parent."

He peeked at Fang Tianzhuo, who looked calm.

He Zheng said: "He, the way he found me was through the body of the person just now..."

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