Ch 16

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Because of these words,

He Zheng kept the posture of being hugged by Fang Tianzhuo and sitting on the table. It's been a long time, a long time. verb: move.

The food was brought up, Fang Tianzhuo sat down and looked at him, only then did he realize that the other party came to accompany him for dinner.

Quickly jumped down and ran to Fang Tianzhuo's side to sit down, reached out and picked up the chopsticks to help him pick up the dishes, the corners of his mouth raised at the same time, a pleasing smile.

Then he ate silently, lest Fang Tianzhuo really cut his tongue. To be honest, he thinks that he can live in front of Fang Tianzhuo for so long, thanks to his three-inch incorrupt tongue sprayed all over the live broadcast room. If it is cut, it is equivalent to a good horse without a good saddle and weapons without a good one. If you do, you can only wait to die.

He Zheng was uneasy in his heart. He didn't say a word or slept when he ate the noodles. He only occasionally couldn't stand his throat and coughed twice. Fortunately, Fang Tianzhuo usually didn't talk much. What made He Zheng's scalp tingle was that Fang Tianzhuo looked at him a little more often today.

After the meal, the palace people removed the rest of the food, He Zheng went up to undress the man, Fang Tianzhuo lowered his eyes, and suddenly said, "It's been a while since Zheng'er came to the palace."

He Zheng quickly calculated in his mind, He grinned: "More than half a month."

"Would you like to go home and have a look?"

He Zheng first thought of his parents and brothers in modern times, and then realized that Fang Tianzhuo was talking about He Xiangfu, he was stunned for two seconds, He asked tentatively, "I can still go home?"

He Zheng put his coat on the screen. He hasn't seen He Xiangguo since he passed through. It's okay for now. If he meets his own father one day and doesn't know him, it will be embarrassing. If Fang Tianzhuo allows him to go home, it will be a good thing. Recognize everyone, understand and understand, and secondly, there will be a lot of freedom compared to the palace.

"If Zheng'er wants to go back, of course it's ok."

He Zheng was worried that this was a trap, so he didn't dare to show too much excitement, "But I can't bear it, Your Majesty."

Fang Tianzhuo didn't know whether to believe it or not: "In a few days, I'll send someone to pick you up again."

He Zheng coughed, nodded slowly, and agreed.

In this world, except for Fang Tianzhuo's side, the air must be refreshing and pleasant everywhere.

He Zheng looked forward to it so beautifully. The next day, Fang Tianzhuo got up early and went to court. As soon as he walked on his front foot, he got up on his hind foot and packed his things.

He didn't have many clothes, just a few pieces, Fang Tianzhuo was digging to death, and he didn't see anything to reward him, so it was not troublesome to pack up.

After packing up, Nanmen Liang walked over with a smile: "The carriage is ready, the son can leave at any time."

He Zheng couldn't wait to get on the carriage, just thinking about where to go after returning to the mansion, Nanmenliang gently instructed outside: "Your Majesty ordered that the son is still on the grounds, and you can't go out at will when you arrive at the prime minister's mansion, you guys. You are all optimistic, if something happens, be careful that His Majesty will pick your heads."

He Zheng opened the curtain of the car door, looking at Nanmenliang's smiling face with angry eyes, and slowly pulled away The corner of his mouth twitched: "Father-in-law has worked hard."

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