Ch 39

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Thunder and rain are all grace.

For Fang Tianzhuo, there are only other people in this world who are not worthy of him.

He stared gloomily at the frightened He Zheng, and squeezed his knuckles with his fingers before restraining the urge to throw people out.

Fang Tianzhuo walked away, He Zheng held the unfinished apricot blankly, and glanced at the fruit that had been thrown to the ground, and a feeling of grievance suddenly surged in his heart.

Son of a bitch, crazy!

He threw half of the apricot in his hand at Fang Tianzhuo: "I am pregnant or you are pregnant!"

Hit, hit.

Before the man turned around, He Zheng's anger had been replaced by fright. Why is it so cowardly every time! Fang Tianzhuo will definitely kill him this time!

He hid under the table in a conditioned reflex, noticed that the man had returned with a gloomy face, and suddenly got out quickly to hide under the bed.

Fang Tianzhuo: "…"

He suddenly thought of a cat that his mother and concubine had raised when he was a child. He always liked to provoke people's bottom line, making a mess in the house, and he still couldn't control his paws after repeated warnings. But when he sees a man aggressively chasing after him to fight, he is so frightened that he immediately shrinks his neck and drags his tail to hide everywhere. alert.

He Zheng was grabbed by his feet and pulled out. He held his breath and met his dark eyes, trembling and alert, like the cat that had been splashed and cowardly.

"Hide what?"

He Zheng glanced at him timidly and did not dare to say a word.

Fang Tianzhuo asked again, "Is it dirty inside?"

He Zheng hesitated: "...dirty."

"Do you know if it's dirty?"

"I, I am afraid."

"Did I murder you?"

Indeed, he is fierce is Xing.

He Zheng held back for a moment, and was even more aggrieved: "No."

"Then why are you afraid?"

"I, I smashed you."

"You know it will anger me, why do you still do that?"

He Zheng's cheeks bulged up and down, as if restraining his temper: "I won't dare next time."


Fang Tianzhuo narrowed his eyes, did not pursue his lie again, and warned in a deep voice, "Reflect on yourself and don't make me angry again."

He Zheng nodded obediently. Fang Tianzhuo let him go, picked up the apricots on the ground, and threw them all into the trash basket outside the door.

He Zheng got up and followed out, turned around to look at the house, made sure he really left, and said, "Bah!"

He was clearly the one who lost his temper inexplicably, so why should he reflect on himself? He has nothing to reflect on, isn't he just eating the leftover apricot... eh?

He Zheng's face changed, and he finally understood the reason for his anger.

This neuropathy is simply overwhelmed, isn't this kind of careful thinking only a girl can have? Is it really okay for you to be a rough old man or a prince of a country so sensitive? !

This should be a den of Fang Tianzhuo. The footsteps of people coming and going are very light, obviously with martial arts skills. Fang Tianzhuo told him to stay obedient and not run around. For the sake of his own life, He Zheng could only obedient.

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