Ch 26

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He Zheng actually wanted to stay in the toilet a little bit, but the smell was too strong, he could only go out and face Fang Tianzhuo's stinky face.

God, Fang Tianzhuo's face stinks more than a toilet, is it too late to look back now?

Obviously it was impossible to do so, He Zheng subconsciously wanted to smile at him, thinking of the eyeballs in his eye sockets for a second, and suddenly lowered the corners of his mouth.

Taking a small step, he walked towards Fang Tianzhuo, looking like a wriggling snail, because without that pleasing smile, his expression was still a bit bitter and bitter.

Fang Tianzhuo stood under the tree and looked at him, his eyes were gloomy as if he would eat him immediately, He Zheng bravely stepped forward, in order to ease the atmosphere, he duang it when he was one meter away from Fang Tianzhuo. He jumped to his side at once: "Your Majesty, can I treat you to breakfast?"

His eyes were shining like stars, and Fang Tianzhuo's expression finally changed, he frowned.

He Zheng's expression is a bit deliberate, but it's a little different from flattering. At this time, Fang Huang didn't know that there was a word called "cute" in the future, so he could only initially judge He Zheng as—

Act cute.

Even if his expression only changed a little, He Zheng relaxed a little, and he said softly again: "Your Majesty, let's go have something to eat, okay?"

Fang Tianzhuo finally agreed mercifully.

There are many people in the imperial city, and the road is very wide. There are many merchants on both sides, and most of the hawkers are at the entrance of the alley, but the crowd is bustling and very lively.

Just looking at this, Fang Tianzhuo is not a faint.

He Zheng really wanted to run around freely, but Fang Tianzhuo was by his side, so he only dared to shrink and be a little chicken.

The last time I came out was noon. This time, when He Zheng entered the city in the morning, he found that he had eaten a lot. Unfortunately, there were no pancakes, and most of the food they sold was pre-made.

I think it is also, in the ancient times when there was no gas stove, it was unrealistic to keep burning the stove and waiting for customers to make it and sell it now.

Except for buns and biscuits.

He Zheng smelled the aroma of sesame seeds, and when he thought of the crispy biscuits, his stomach suddenly growled.

He Zheng wants to eat.

He pulled Fang Tianzhuo's sleeve and asked eagerly, "Do you eat biscuits?"

"Do not."

Fang Tianzhuo continued walking, He Zheng followed two steps, stopped, and looked at the cake silently.

Fang Tianzhuo finally felt his desire and walked over: "Come here."

"Two..." A voice came from under the gauze hat, and with two small white fingers sticking out, He Zheng whispered, "I want to eat two."

He washed his hands with the water from the biscuits stand.

The two freshly baked biscuits were wrapped in oiled paper and handed to He Zheng. In order to eat them right away, they were not tightly wrapped with rope. This thing was fine at first, but the heat quickly spread to the palm of the hand through the oiled paper. He Zheng was blowing with both hands in the gauze hat. He regretted that he didn't ask the boss for a rope. At this moment, he just took a hot potato. He couldn't eat it, and he couldn't take it. He couldn't help but miss the modern plastic bags.

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