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"He's Zizheng is beautiful and beautiful, Jiarongzhi, I love him very much. However, when I am pregnant, I have many frightening dreams, and I am afraid that I will give up. After thinking repeatedly, I will tell the world, and I swear to give Zheng a stable life, a century of scenery, and hope for peace of mind."

Emperor Qi is printed. Big win country seal. The inscription on the golden plaque, the palace city hanging high, and the huge font protruding, attracted many people to stop and watch, the palace gate was crowded for a while, and the imperial army had to use long spears to block it to maintain order.

These people are only allowed to stop and marvel in front of the palace gate, otherwise, according to the instructions that the idle people should not wait and make noise, it is estimated that the ground will be **** at this moment.

"Who is He Zheng?"

"The second son of the He Xiang country, the one who was sent to the palace after taking the holy medicine?"

"This is really a great favor!"

"This son can be so loved by Emperor Qi, what a blessing he has cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Exclamations came from the crowd, most of them thought that He Zheng's ancestors smoked green smoke, and that's why he got such kind of love from Jinshang. Miyagi sighed in agony, but when some people turned to leave, they changed their expressions.

At Taishi Qiu's mansion, the disciples were indignant: "Your Majesty has wasted the state treasury and raised the army to move the crowd, but it's just because the demon is careful? Have you ever thought about what the people of the world would say? What would the refugees think?!"

"My emperor has always acted his own way, but now he has not only made a golden plaque, but also dug out the city wall. I heard that the plaque is to be embedded for people to see."

"Just for a male pet, he can do this kind of thing, given time, is it possible to help that male pet to the sky!"

"Don't be impatient." The man who spoke behind frowned and turned to look at Taishi Qiu, who was silent: "Now that He Zheng has won the favor, and He Xiangguo's government can be said to be complacent, should we do this? Take action?"

The man named Du You immediately said: "The imperial concubine is only one step away from ascending the back, if she can also be pregnant with a dragon heir..."

"Absolutely not." That man was Qiu Shuiluo's own brother, called Qiu Ziliu: "Your Majesty doesn't like women's sex, if it is really designed by Luo'er, even if he gets a dragon embryo, he can't keep it."

"Then do we have to watch His Majesty help a male pet to the back?!"

Qiu Ziliu smiled immediately: "Although Your Majesty has a tyrannical temper, he is not faint. Throughout the ages, which emperor have you seen to have a male queen?"

The room was silent for a while, Taishi Qiu tapped the table with his fingers, Qiu Zi stayed to watch him for a moment, and said respectfully, "What's your opinion, father?"

"Although He Zheng is stunning, it is not impossible to find it in the world. Although the holy medicine is rare, there may be one, and there may be two."

Qiu Ziliu immediately understood and said with a smile: "Father said very much that his son will arrange it as soon as possible, but now that He Shan is the leader, I'm afraid that Luo'er's life will be difficult, what can we do?"

After a long time, Qiu Ziliu walked out of the room and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Have you ever seen that kind head?"

"It is rumored that he is going to gouge his eyeballs out now, but if he meets him, who would dare to look up." No matter how good-looking a person is, how can he say he is the best in the world with only mere facial features?"

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