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He Zheng walked towards the side hall, and there was already fog behind the screen. He moved in small steps like a snail, silently scolding Fang Tianzhuo, and when he got to the screen, he quietly probed his head.

Fang Tianzhuo turned his back to him, leaning against the edge of the bucket with his long hair loose, his slender arms resting lazily on the bucket, revealing only his broad back.

Fang Tianzhuo's bedroom has a separate bath, and coming here to take a bath is really wronging him. He Zheng pouted, what is it to be compared to a human being? It's maddening. When he got here, he really understood that in modern times, even the most powerful boss can be beaten with a sack or scolded a few words to relieve his anger. Tianzhuo, if you beat him and scold him, he has to put his life in it.

"Why are you so sensible today?" He Zheng retracted his head in a conditioned reflex, and he hesitated to think about the meaning of this sentence, he immediately walked in, "Your Majesty is really wise and martial, If you don't look back, you'll know it's me."

He could hear the meaning of what he said, Fang Tianzhuo didn't let him serve him at all, the dead eunuch Nanmen Liang was lying to him!

He took a ladle and poured water on Fang Tianzhuo's body. He saw that he had some old wounds on his body. He Zheng never paid attention to them when they were usually closed to work on errands.

The room was silent, except for the sound of rushing water from time to time.

Fang Tianzhuo frowned slightly, and suddenly opened his eyes to look at him. He Zheng was staring at an irregular depression in his chest with a curious baby-like expression. He noticed his gaze, and immediately moved his foot to the right subconsciously, hiding behind him. go.

Fang Tianzhuo grabbed his arm, He Zheng's heart tightened, and he was forcibly pulled in front of him. There was a hint of danger on the man's handsome face: "What's the smell on you?"

He Zheng wondered, the smell? He sniffed his arm, what could he smell? Could it be that he approached Fang Tianzhuo: "Bad breath? Ha——"

Fang Tianzhuo threw him out, his forehead jumped, his face gloomy. He Zheng stood aside with his hands down, and whispered, "I kissed you, but you still dislike it, hum."

Fang Tianzhuo's ears were bright, his eyebrows narrowed slightly, and he said for a while, "Undress, come here."

He Zheng understood for a second, then Dissatisfied for a second, free and easy for a second, Fang Tianzhuo grabbed his wrist again, and sniffed as if he was a so-and-so Chinese medicine.

It wasn't the first time he noticed this smell, but it was the first time he discovered that the smell wasn't from clothes, nor was it added to the incense burner, but He Zheng itself... it emanated from the skin and bones. .

The taste is very light, but it is quite long, and it is difficult to notice if you are not careful, but with He Zheng's unparalleled skin, the perfect combination makes men's adrenal hormones secrete rapidly, making people... difficult to restrain.

Fang Tianzhuo's eyes darkened, "Before you entered the palace, what did you take?"

"Birth-birth medicine?" He Zheng recalled that there was this passage in the text, He Zheng was forced to be forced on the ground by someone. Thinking of this, a very real picture suddenly flashed in He Zheng's mind, as if he had experienced it himself.

The man who couldn't see his face was sitting on the chair and knocking on the armrest. He was pressed to the ground like a dog by several people, and the rich soup was forced to pour from his mouth. No matter how he struggled, he was forced to squeeze his chin.

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