Extra 19(Two Brothers)

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He Yuheng's hand trembled slightly, he lowered his head and looked at the man lying in front of him, his mood suddenly messed up, he wanted to ask something, but it seemed difficult to say it.

He Wenchu ​​spoke again to free him from being overwhelmed: "Okay, let's go out to eat, ah..."

He suddenly sighed: "I can't get up, please pull me."

He Yuheng grabbed his hand and pulled him up from the chair. He Wenchu ​​suddenly forced his feet and rushed towards him. He Yuheng was caught off guard, but because the chassis was very stable, he still stood on the spot and just leaned back. A little on the upper body, He Wenchu's face almost touched his face, and his dark eyes stared at him without blinking.

He Yuheng subconsciously held his breath and swallowed uneasily.

He Wenchu ​​smiled again and distanced himself from him: "It was too violent, didn't it scare you?"

He Yuheng shook his head.

The two went downstairs from the private elevator and went to eat at a nearby restaurant. The food here is a bit strange to He Yuheng, but most of them are delicious. He has never eaten such delicious food, even if After following Fang Tianhua, the precious thirteenth prince, he had never eaten such delicious food.

He restrained and put the boiled meat slices in a bowl, rolled up the rice and put it in his mouth together. The overly delicious food made him salivate. He lowered his head and took two more bites of rice. The rice here is also delicious. A bowl exudes a heart-warming fragrance, as if I can't get enough of it.

If he hadn't met Ah Chu, he might never have eaten such fine rice and such delicious dishes in his life.

"Eat more." He Wenchu ​​sandwiched meat for him and said, "It's just the two of us, you have to eat the vegetables closely, or these will be thrown out."

He Yuheng swallowed the rice and stressed in disbelief, "Pour it out?"

"Yes, look at the aunt who cleans the table. She has a swill bucket. If we can't finish it, no matter how much is left, we will throw it away."

Such a waste.

He Yuheng began to bury his head and eat hard, saying that it was hard eating, but he also ate very reservedly, perhaps because of his character experience, he couldn't gobble it up.

He Wen first took two bites and started watching him eat: "Don't worry, we still have a long time, and there will be many, many delicious foods in the future, which can be enjoyed slowly."

"Yeah." He Yuheng nodded, eating without talking or sleeping. In this respect, he is very similar to Fang Tianzhuo. He seldom speaks during meals. How do you feel when you listen to his BB while eating, do you want to shoot him to death?

He wanted to laugh again.

He Yuheng goes to and from get off work with him every day. Because he has nothing to do, He Wenchu ​​bought him some books to read, but he is not very sure about many words. Every time He Wenchu ​​is busy, he always circles it first. , wait for the other party to finish before asking.

At this time, the weather was hot and cold. It was still very cool to enter the room from the outside where the sun was shining. He Yuheng had a strong curiosity about the company's system. Then he found that there was wind coming out of the mesh above his head, he subconsciously reached out to test it, and the wind seemed to be circulating, from time to time.

Walking out of He Wenchu's office, there was a thing at every distance above his head, and he began to realize that this thing was amazing.

"Mr. He." A voice came from behind him, he turned around immediately, and asked with a smile, "What are you doing?"

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