Extra 24(Prince's daily life)

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A few days after the little prince learned to bike, Fang Tianzhuo announced another task at the dinner table: "Rui'er will get up early tomorrow."

Fang Changgu was sitting on a chair. Because his body was too small, only his shoulders were barely exposed. Now he can use chopsticks. Although sometimes he still can't hold things, he is slowly adapting and learning any skills. among.

His elbows were almost level with his shoulders, he was clumsily picking the rice in the small plate, with a bit of confusion in his eyes similar to He Zheng, and before he could ask, He Zheng had already helped him ask, " A Gu already wakes up at seven o'clock every day, how early is it?"

Fang Changgu nodded in agreement. He also felt that he was already very strong and hardworking. After all, the children next door went to the kindergarten at 9:30 every day and only got up at 9:00.

"Starting tomorrow, get up at five o'clock and learn kung fu with me."

Fang Chang Gu shrank his head, wishing he could just shove his head under the plate, why did he have to learn something? Isn't he learning enough now?

He Zheng is worthy of being his biological father, and feels his feelings very much: "Why do you have to learn something? He has learned much more than many children now."

"It's neither too early nor too late to start learning. If it takes another two years, it will suffer a lot."

Fang Chang thought about it, and I will talk about it when the time comes.

He Zheng once again accurately stated his thoughts: "I will talk about what will happen when the time comes. The child has worked hard enough now."

Fang Tianzhuo stared at Fang Changgu: "Could it be that Rui'er thinks the same as Daddy?"

Fang Chang Gu's eyes turned to look at his father, and then he slowly faced his father, the corners of his mouth raised at the same time, and said sternly: "Of course I am different from other children, I want to inherit the throne, It has to be very powerful.”

Fang Tianzhuo's hand stretched out across the table and gently rubbed his little head: "What I said, Rui'er remembers it better than Daddy."

He Zheng poked at the rice, and instantly felt that he had no status in this family. He felt a little distressed and a little angry.

What do you say that the throne inherits it? It's so good to be like an ordinary child here, what this poor little guy has been forced into by Fang Tianzhuo, but he can only think about these words, and Fang Tianzhuo will definitely be angry when he says it, after all, that Jiangshan is his Xinxin It was difficult for him to give up what he had earned through hard work.

That night, He Zheng touched Fang Changgu's room. The little guy was staring at the ceiling with his eyes open. Because he was worried that he would be damaged by He Zheng, Fang Tianzhuo didn't allow him to play with his mobile phone and Aipai since he was very young. As soon as he saw him push the door and probe, Fang Changgu immediately sat up and whispered, "Dad."

He Zheng's heart couldn't be soft, he climbed into the bed and put his son in his arms, taught him the experience seriously, and said, "I tell you, the first day tomorrow will definitely be very hard, if you already feel tired, Just cry with your father, but don't cry too much when you cry, you should cry softly and silently, otherwise he will be too noisy and even worse."

Fang Changgu's eyes were suspicious, but he obediently memorized the knowledge points and asked: "What if you can't cry?"

He Zheng recalled the time when he first wore books. To be honest, when he passed by that day, he was actually very optimistic. He thought that he was playing an escape game. When he knelt down, he realized that the grievances were involuntary, and many times when he was inadvertently, before he could react, tears welled up.

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