Extra 5(Two Worlds)

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When passing through the mirror, He Zheng's heart was full of dissatisfaction with his brother. But when he came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation again, his heart suddenly relaxed, and he couldn't help laughing twice, throwing himself into Fang Tianzhuo's arms with a happy face.

At this moment, he felt that everything he encountered in this world was worth it. He came here in this life to meet Fang Tianzhuo.

Fang Tianzhuo dragged him to change into his regular clothes. The two of them were wearing each other's clothes. He Zheng asked softly, "Is your majesty happy?"

In fact, he wasn't that happy himself.

But when he looked at He Zheng's eyes that were shining and smiling at an unprecedented moment, he felt that the most beautiful scenery in the world was nothing but the sincere smile on his face.

His smile is what he desires and desires in this life.

He nodded, He Zheng tidying up his collar, the whole figure was like a flower soaked in sugar water, leaning over to him like a boneless: "It's great, it's great."

He was so happy that he couldn't help it. When he was going out in the carriage, he was pulling Fang Tianzhuo's hand and shaking it. From time to time, he tilted his head and leaned on Fang Tianzhuo's shoulder, and from time to time he pouted and kissed him. There's nothing he can do to evaporate the happiness hormones in his body.

When the car arrived at the entrance of Baixiangzi, He Zheng got out of the car in good manner, held Fang Tianzhuo's hand and talked to the inside, and then found that most of the trees were planted in front of everyone's entrance, and he really couldn't see what the jujube trees looked like.

He glanced at Fang Tianzhuo, walked in, and asked, "Which one is a jujube tree? Has Your Majesty seen it?"

Fang Tianzhuo pointed at the far end of the alley, He Zheng followed him, raised his hand and patted the door, and a voice quickly came from inside: "Who?"

The voice was very cautious, He Zheng felt distressed inexplicably, and he was even more determined to convince him to go back to be his brother: "It's me, He Zheng."

This queen has never been very pretentious, He Yuheng opened the door, his eyes met Fang Tianzhuo behind him, and then he looked down at him: "What's the matter?"

"My brother asked me to take you home." He Zheng grinned and showed a sincere smile.

He Yuheng's eyes flashed: "What do you mean by this?"

"That's right, I just went home and met my brother. My brother said, if you want, let me take you to find him." Reaching out and pulling him behind him, blocking He Yuheng's sight, his tone was calm: "It's another world, he asked Zheng'er to pick you up."

He Yuheng's eyes flashed with warmth at that moment, he lowered his head for a moment, and said, "Come in, I just finished cooking and changed my clothes."

He Zheng's head stuck out from behind Fang Tianzhuo: "You promised to go with us?"

He Yuheng did not answer.

When he was washing and changing his clothes, He Zheng looked at his house. There were only a few tables, chairs and a hard bed. The whole yard looked very dilapidated. The kitchen seemed to have been blown down once by the wind and was supported by wooden sticks. It is sloping irregularly, and the space is quite low.

But the yard was very clean. He said to Fang Tianzhuo, "I didn't expect to kill... Brother Yuheng is still a family man."

When we first met, he was clearly a cold-faced god, and he thought: "Could it be that he was influenced by my brother? Hey, my brother will be brainwashed. People in his company admire him very much. He's the kind of idol."

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