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Fang Tianzhuo gave him enough face and said, "Zheng'er is right."

Jiang Fuyang: "…"

He really felt that Fang Tianzhuo had changed, looking at what nonsense He Shanshou said, a three-year-old child probably couldn't be fooled, and His Majesty even joined in with him, which was simply a loss of identity.

The second shopkeeper respectfully brought a tub and hot water. He Zheng washed his face and body, put on clean clothes, and turned out of the screen. Fang Tianzhuo in front of the window released a carrier pigeon.

Anyway, he can't control Fang Tianzhuo's affairs. He Zheng sat on the bed wiping his hair, and began to miss the modern short hair. He wondered if Fang Tianzhuo would find him if he snapped his hair with a clipper. thinking too far ahead.

Just thinking about it, Fang Tianzhuo on the side had already sat over, He Zheng moved silently to the side, the man reached out and took the towel in his hand and wiped his hair for him.

He Zheng felt that what he was rubbing was not his own hair, but his own life, which gradually became thinner and thinner under his rubbing, and it seemed that it was about to break.

He twitched his neck numbly.

I always feel that the recent Fang Tianzhuo is weird. He Zheng seems to be like poisonous chicken feet. He knows that it is delicious, but he dare not eat it for fear of death.

"Why, are you still afraid of me?"

He Zheng wrinkled his nose and shook his head.

Fang Tianzhuo threw the towel on the chair beside him.

He Zheng was startled and was hugged by him. He quickly and well-behaved found a position in Fang Tianzhuo's arms to sit firmly. Fang Tianzhuo's face was already close, and he gently kissed him on the cheek.

He Zheng looked at him, and he kissed his lips.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." He Zheng pushed him subconsciously: "I, I heard someone playing the piano outside and wanted to go out for a walk..."

Fang Tianzhuo kissed him again, and agreed very readily: "Okay."

He Zheng was very curious about how beautiful the **** the painting boat was, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to mention it, so he stood by the riverside to watch the night scene, couldn't help but take a pose for a photo, and began to miss his camera again.

He ate something at the stall, filled his stomach, and didn't go to the restaurant until three o'clock when he was sleepy. At this moment, the mood is the same as when I traveled abroad, I especially want to go home immediately and never come out again.

At this time, there were not many people on the street. He Zheng yawned and followed Fang Tianzhuo, and suddenly heard Nie Ying's voice: "Lord, be careful!"

A sharp arrow shot straight at Fang Tianzhuo, Nie Ying rushed over to save the driver, He Zheng suddenly shuddered, conditioned reflex to shrink up and hide behind Fang Tianzhuo!

The dog is like Tianzhuo, you can meet assassins wherever you go! He Zheng's heart beat faster, excited and frightened, but he didn't dare to look into it.

Fang Tianzhuo dodged the cold arrow, kicked the assassin who had won in front of him with one kick, and suddenly grabbed He Zheng with his backhand.

Ahhhh Goubi actually wanted to use him to block the sword!

He Zheng was on first-level security at the moment, and conditioned reflexively, he threw off his hand, and in his suddenly cold eyes, he crawled to the back of the stove left by the biscuits stand, gasping for breath. Son.

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