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Fang Tianzhuo put one hand on the ground and stood up suddenly. He never dreamed that He Zheng could be so cruel. His face was more frightened than angry, and he couldn't believe it: "Are you crazy?!"

He Zheng lay sideways on the bed, his bright eyes looked at him with anger and fear, Fang Tianzhuo's anger condensed in his eyes: "Come on, send the queen back to Pize Hall."

He Zheng looked at the figure he stepped out, stretched himself up and sat up, waved his hand away from the hand of the servant on the side, and said, "I am your majesty's thing, so do you guys too. Dare to touch."

He stepped out and stared at the man sitting at the table for a while with red eyes, then turned his head and strode away.

Although the Pize Hall has been unoccupied for a long time, someone has been cleaning it all the time, and it is very clean. He Zheng lay back on his bed, thought about the four hundred protectors, and took a deep breath.

He touched his stomach and hated himself for rejecting his brother's proposal to leave Fang Tianzhuo. Such a man is not worthy of falling in love. He only needs to sit in that position all his life and make everyone respect and fear. Fart love.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nanmenliang quietly raised his eyes, and His Majesty the Emperor at the table had been sitting with a pen since he came to court, but so far he has not approved a word. In the past few days, every night he has to go to the Pize Hall for a turn. Nanmenliang dare not say if he regrets driving He Hou away. He just feels that the weight of this He Hou in His Majesty's heart is somewhat out of place. Unexpectedly.

He wanted to persuade Fang Tianzhuo to go out for a walk, but he didn't know how to say it. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said, "Your Majesty, I heard that the osmanthus flowers in the Imperial Garden are blooming and smelling amazing. Shall we go and have a look?"

Fang Tianzhuo paused, put down the pen, and walked ahead.

The Royal Garden was really full of fragrance, it was late autumn, and there was a faint cool breeze in the air, which was very pleasant. Fang Tianzhuo couldn't help walking along the path toward the Pize Hall, and suddenly stopped for a moment.

Across a rockery, there was a voice of a palace maid walking and talking: "I heard that after he was driven back to the Pize Hall, the palace gate has been closed, I am afraid that he is being banned by His Majesty."

"I have long felt that he can't sit in that seat for too long. Your Majesty's favored man, even if he is confused for a while, he will definitely not be confused for a lifetime."

"I heard that it was because he had a private meeting with people in Pizeh Hall, I'll tell you..."

The little palace maid at the back took a deep breath: "He is too arrogant and arrogant!"

"Maybe she will become the fastest queen to waste, shh, don't tell anyone."

The palace maids walked out of the rockery gossiping and continued to move forward. They never saw Fang Tianzhuo here. The latter narrowed his eyes slightly, and Nanmenliang immediately shouted: "You two, stop!"

"Director of the South Gate..." The two palace maids saw the man behind him, and immediately fell to their knees: "My servant, see Your Majesty, Your Majesty is blessed!"

The black boots approached slowly, the golden dragon on the robe was lifelike, and the voice was cold and low: "So it's up to you to decide whether to abandon the queen."

The two palace maids wet their clothes together.

During the half-month separation from Fang Tianzhuo, He Zheng ate well, slept well, painted and learned qin from time to time and scolded Fang Tianzhuo. But today, Shunyi's voice suddenly hurried in broke the calm: "Empress, empress, I heard that Your Majesty is going to chop off everything in the palace."

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