Ch 30

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After what happened last time, He Run was already impressed by He Zheng, and thanked him respectfully.

In fact, when He Zheng said those words at the time, he didn't take it for granted, until later he really saw an old woman in green from the west after the rebellion, and the other party fell by the side of the road.

He Run was worried that the civilians would go down to check it in person, but suddenly he thought of He Zheng's words in the flash of calcium carbide, and he became tense. The dagger stabbed him in the heart!

Later, when he subdued the other party, he discovered that the poison on the dagger had almost no cure.

In order to kill him, Fang Tianhua had done a lot of work.

He Zheng politely greeted him, and several people watched him being brought in by Fang Tianzhuo.

He is different from these people. As long as he is favored by Fang Tianzhuo, he can live like a modern person, but at this moment, He Zheng suddenly had an urge in his heart, he also wanted to learn something, and wanted to be better in this Live in the times and find your own dignity and position, just like everyone on this ship, not just an accessory of Fang Tianzhuo.

Fang Tianzhuo seemed to be in a good mood, so he personally sent him back to the room, lifted the tulle to look at his face under his hat, and said warmly: "If you need anything, please order Shunyi."

He Zheng nodded immediately.

Fang Tianzhuo seemed to be leaving, but he did not leave: "Why, do you want to tell me something?"

He Zheng raised his face and paused before saying, "Why did Young Master Fu Yang come here too?"

"As a reward for the Spring Hunter, he hopes to come out and experience it himself." Fang Tianzhuo's tone made He Zheng feel that they were discussing the children of the two for a moment: "When the child grows up, it is time to gain more knowledge. "

He Zheng got rid of this weird idea and said, "He is only sixteen years old, is he considered old?"

Fang Tianzhuo was very surprised that he would have this idea: "I was exiled from Beijing at the age of eleven, and I have traveled all over the world at the age of seventeen. At his age, if he married according to the rules, he would already be a father."

He Zheng nodded knowingly.

Recalling that he was in the modern age, when he was twenty-three or four, his mother would tidy up his room every once in a while, and his father would come to talk to him about life from time to time. Playing games is like a piece of shit.

No, in the ancient days without video games, he was a **** himself.

His mood suddenly fell, Fang Tianzhuo reached out and took off his gauze hat, picked him up and sat on the chair, hugged him and asked, "What's wrong with Zhen'er? Huh?"

He Zheng met his eyes, and suddenly felt a sense of grievance and helplessness in his heart, but the person in front of him was neither his father nor his mother nor his brother. He forcibly suppressed this impulse, slowly shook his head, and pursed his lips. Yi smiled: "By the way, I was afraid that the boat would be bored, so I brought a small piece of wood up. Your Majesty has time, we can carve mahjong together."

Fang Tianzhuo chuckled: "Did we engrave it, or did Zhenger look at me engraving it?"

He Zheng: "..."

dare not speak.

Fang Tianzhuo touched his hair, and suddenly leaned over to kiss his lips. He kissed him first, but he felt it was not enough. After the second kiss, he looked at He Zheng's exquisite face, and his heart seemed to ignite. There was a fire, so he held his face with one hand and kissed it deeply.

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