Extra 17(Two Brothers)

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When He Wenchu ​​stood up from the sofa, He Yuheng stared at him subconsciously, worried that his body would not be able to support anything.

When He Wenchu ​​walked into the bathroom, he quietly stood at the door and listened carefully to the movement inside to prevent any accident from happening to the other party. Then he remembered another thing and asked He Wenchu ​​across the door: "He Wenchu ​​is here. Is the hospital far away?"

As soon as he spoke, He Wenchu ​​understood what he meant, he laughed secretly, and said, "It's not very far, I'll teach you how to navigate with your mobile phone later, where you want to go."

He Yuheng didn't quite understand it, but he still agreed.

He Wenchu ​​was lying in the bathtub, recalling what he saw just now. He subconsciously compared his body with He Yuheng. He Yuheng was probably very thin and his waist was very thin because of his financial constraints. Dressed or not, he is much thinner than him.

As for himself, He Wenchu ​​pinched the muscles on his body.

He has learned Sanda and also played in the league. Although he is in his early twenties, he has not neglected himself in these years, so his physical condition is quite good, his muscles are solid, hard and elastic.

He glanced at the hazy figure outside the glass door, and suddenly waved his hand and knocked down the shampoo product beside him to the ground, and the figure outside moved slightly: "A Chu?"

Why ask the first eye to see the nose and nose to see the heart.

He Yuheng patted the door: "Achu? What's wrong with you?"

Why did you close your eyes and rest your mind at the beginning.

He Yuheng stretched out his hand and pushed the door, then twisted it open and walked in, hurried to his side, and patted his face: "Achu, wake up."

He Wenchu ​​opened his eyes slowly: "Huh? I seem to be asleep."

He Yuheng breathed a sigh of relief: "You are not in good health, don't take a bath all the time, it is very dangerous to fall asleep here."

"En." He Wenchu ​​sat up, propped his forehead with one hand and showed He Yuheng the vigorous muscles on his arm, and said slowly, "Maybe because I'm too tired."

"Go to rest early." He Yuheng confirmed that he was alright and relieved. When He Wen first saw that he was leaving, he hurriedly stopped people: "Have you noticed any difference between us?"

He Yuheng turned back again: "What?"

"What's the difference with your body?" He Wenchu ​​raised his eyebrows at him and motioned him to look at him. He Yuheng's eyes fell on him. After a while, he nodded and said, "You eat well and you are fatter than me."

He Wenchu ​​corrected unhappily: "It's not fat, it's strong."

"Well, you are strong." He Yuheng didn't want to entangle this topic with him. Although he knew that He Wenchu ​​was not showing off to him, the contrast between the two people's different lives still made him feel a little uncomfortable. Emotions made him feel ashamed again, how could he be jealous of Ah Chu being so nice to him.

After he went out, He Wenchu ​​himself felt that it was boring to continue sitting, so he put on his bathrobe and went out. He Yuheng was testing the bed in the second bedroom, watching him come out and asking, "Am I sleeping here today?"

"No, you sleep with me."


"This second bedroom has not been cleaned up yet."

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