Ch 49

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He Zheng went all the way back to the Pize Hall, and he forcibly captured the sanity that was almost thrown away from nine days away.

In today's event, there are two. If someone can poison the imperial concubine in order to frame him, then they may poison themselves in order to frame the imperial concubine. And if... Qiu Shuiluo poisoned himself in order to frame him, it would be even more terrifying.

He Zheng never felt that he was a smart person, let alone that he could go to the end in this vortex of power. Fang Tianzhuo said that he would have a stable life and a hundred years of scenery, which sounds very exciting, but in fact, Can he really do it? He has so many enemies, even if he protects himself wholeheartedly, how could he not miss the slightest moment? Not to mention how he could be wholeheartedly for the rest of his life.

What if it was a promise of a thousand dollars? If he wants to kill, can't he find someone to kill him? Even he himself can still flaunt affectionate reputation.

By Fang Tianzhuo's side, it was too difficult to live a peaceful life.

He will be jealous of Fang Huang's faction, and he will also be assassinated by the rebels, and Fang Tianzhuo will always stand behind. Today, Qiu Shuiluo is in chaos because of jealousy, but if it didn't happen, she would definitely be the only queen under the direct advice of the ministers, but it doesn't matter. .

He Zheng couldn't accept sharing a man with others.

He has to admit that he likes Fang Tianzhuo, but Fang Tianzhuo is not an ideal object, after all, he prefers a stable life and his own life.

He Zheng's stomach has been more than four months old, and it is uncomfortable to go to bed every day. He touched it with his hand, and the thought of wanting to get rid of it came up again, and was weakly beaten by him.

Fang Tianzhuo could not be angered.

The man didn't come back that night. The next day, someone told He Zheng that the matter was found out. Concubine Li poisoned the imperial concubine and framed He Shanshou.

He Zheng bit his chopsticks blankly: "How do you know?"

"Back then, the Thirteenth Prince liked to watch scorpions bite people, so he kept a lot of scorpions in the palace. Now they are very big, and they are often used by His Majesty to execute them." Shunyi lowered his head and trembled slightly when he spoke.

The Thirteenth Prince was painted by Fang Tian.

Damn it, He Zheng's brain filled a bunch of big scorpions and he was scared to death. He actually put people in!

He Zheng forced himself to calm down: "Concubine Li... how's it going?"

"I was jailed last night and found out in the morning that someone had committed suicide."

He Zheng was stunned again. He had never dealt with these concubines before, he only remembered that they were quite young, the oldest Qiu Shuiluo was only twenty years old, a young girl who said she would die if she died?

He Zheng was so frightened that he ate two bowls of rice. I can't wait, I can't wait, his IQ can't survive one episode in the palace fighting plot, the ghost knows how he survived until now!

I don't know what Fang Tianzhuo is busy with. For two days, he just sent people to see him. After he returned rationally, He Zheng didn't think about seeing him. He repeatedly thought about how he could live in this world. Fang Tianzhuo offered to reconcile.

That night, He Zheng suddenly felt a movement in his ears, and Fan Fan turned over, his neck suddenly became cold, he opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly saw a flooded cold sword resting on his neck.

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