Chapter 30

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A)n:  Until I say present the story would continue in past

Flashback: 7 Years Ago

Author Pov:

"For the fuck sake how many times I have to say that Taehyung is my friend ?" Y/n shouted.

"And how many times I've to say that stay away from him." Jungkook slammed a glass on the floor making y/n flinched

But this time y/n wanted to fight back. Usually she won't talk back when jungkook gets angry cause he always loss sense. If he gets angry he would do anything.

"And who are you? You aren't my boy-" Before y/n could complete her sentence jungkook slammed her nearby wall.

She moan in pain as how harshly her back hit the wall. But Jungkook was unbothered about y/n's pain. He simply just trapped her in his arms. This made y/n more angry.

She placed both her hands on his to create some distance between them but Jungkook didn't even bulge.

Jungkook suddenly slammed his fist nearby y/n's head making her flinched in shock. Jungkook was getting more and more angry at her useless attempts to push him.

As his gaze met with y/n , he whisper in her,"You're mine , you know that right."

Y/n in hesitation nodded her head. "Good" Jungkook said as he pat her hair.

"You should remember that" saying that he  stormed outside.

A/n: If you notice that y/n not talk back always well this the reason.

Next Day

Y/n Pov: (It's been so long since I last wrote in her pov)

I was laughing carelessly as Taehyung was making weird meme faces. Taehyung is one of my close friends more like a brother. I don't know the fact why Taehyung and jungkook can't face each other. What they do is fight like cat and dog.

I was so immersed in laughing that I forget about my surrounding.

"Y/n" I flinched hearing the one and only jungkook voice.

"What are you doing with him? Didn't I told you to stay away from him?" Jungkook shouted at me demanding an answer. He then tightly hold my wrist making me whimper in pain.

"Who are you to decide with she can meet or not?" Taehyung jumped between us.

Jungkook didn't gave him any answer just they both look each others eyes with much hate .

Jungkook pulled me with him as he forcefully made me sit in his car.




"Where are we going?" I asked.

It been almost 1 hour but we didn't reach our destination . It may mean he is taking me at an abandoned place to kill me.


"Shut the fuck up" jungkook growl making me fell slient.

After half an hour we reached to a small house in the middle of a forest.

"Get out ." Jungkook commanded and as a obedient soldier I listened to him.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"At my house." His response surprised me. It was the first time he brought me at his house.

"Come with me"

Following him in the house I saw a guy whose hair was painted in soft cotton pink colour were doing chores.

"I'm back"

The soft pink haired boy turned hearing jungkook's voice but he also noticed my presence.

"You came back so quickly? You also brought a girl with you. Let me guess she is y/n, right?"

He gave me a cute eye smile which melted my poor heart. I smiled back at him as I nodded.

I and jimin oppa became friendly in short time maybe just because we had many things in common. I was surprised when he told me he was jungkook's elder brother.

Little did they know someone was jealous at their interaction.

"Oppa I've to go . It's too late"

Jimin oppa smiled at me saying, "Ok but don't tell anyone about this place it's our secret hideout. Even we are secret mafia but in the business world there are many enemies of us. Also sorry . I don't know if you remember or not the day when you first met jungkook it was me who pushed you from the bushes...I'm sorry for my deed."

I smiled at him saying I forgave him.



Jungkook drive met to my hostel at 9 pm. As I about to turn around I heard jungkook calling me.

I turned towards him as he said, " I'm sorry for my yesterday's behaviour."

He is always like that . First he would do something wrong then ask for forgiveness. I sighed as I said I forgave him cause I have pack my things as I'm going back home.




2 Days Later

It's my graduation day. I'm super happy and excited but sadly my parents can't accompany me.

My mother is sick for several months for this me and appa are really tensed. But for the sake of studies my appa sent me to hostel so that I won't be distracted from my studies. In my family my studies are given most priority . (I think in every Asian family studies are more than us)

My appa have to work hard to bear the medical expenses. But thank god my mother condition is improving. So, today I've to attend the ceremony alone.


I was thinking about jungkook as I was walking through the streets. It's been 2 days he didn't contact me. Even in the morning he didn't came to pick me up. Strange. I'm worried about him.

As I entered the school all the students were looking at me and whispering to each other.

"Look isn't that y/n?"

"Wow she have guts to come"

Ignoring all the whispers I walk towards momo.

"Hey! what they all are talking about ?" I asked.

But she made a disgusted face no sonner had she saw me.

"Don't you know just because of you jungkook got into accident?"


A/n: I thought the whole fricking story is going to have 30 chapters but here are we!  The story is going to be longer than I expected.

Well in upcoming past chapters you would find many things which won't make sense on the exact moment but trust me it gonna make sense at the end of the story!!!

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