Chapter 35

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"Can you stop being a villain in my life for a moment?"

Author POV:

"You knew?" Jungkook unknowingly question back hearing a simple sentence which is enough to upsidedown everything between them.

Y/n didn't say anything just smirked at him which felt she rubbed the fact on his face. Turning around she didn't giving a glance she left the mess behind her.

Jungkook gripped his hair out of frustration as he wasn't able to figure out if she knew Jungkook followed her that day then why she didn't say anything about it. Also if she had the idea of Jungkook suspecting her she isn't that fool enough to do something that reckless knowing he had eyes on her.

"No.....No..." Jungkook shouted at the moment when he was able to solve the puzzle. He finally got what Taehyung meant to say today.


Inhaling the toxic substance deeply in his lungs he felt relaxed for a moment. "Divorce" the word was circling around his mind from the moment he heard them talking about this.

"Lighter?" Taehyung asked as he stood besides Jungkook.

Jungkook simply passed him the lighter making Taehyung ache his eyebrows. Taehyung received the lighter with a sly smirk on his face.

Lighting his cigarette he looked up the sky which display mixture of different colors in it.

"It's hard to lit up a fire but it's more hard hard to keep the fire stable. And just a blow of wind can make the whole forest burn into ashes even yourself."

Patting Jungkook's shoulder Taehyung went towards his car.



Fuck" Jungkook cursed out as everything happened in these few days became cristal clear to him . This all shit was a plan of Taehyung to make things more difficult between them.

Out of frustration he smashed his phone on the ground. He was feeling anger , fear , regret, gulit all together. Couldn't able to cope with his emotions he started to shatter all the stuff around him.

The sound of breaking things was so loud it frightened everyone. Running towards the source of the sound Mr.Jeon frick out when he saw a huge cut on his son's hand. .

Guards rush to him just stopped this but miserably failed to do so. Mr.Jeon quickly marched towards him and gave his son a hard slap and grab his collar while shaking him hard.

"You brat I don't care what happened between you two. But I care about my daughter-in-law safety who went out in the middle of the night just because of you . If something bad happens to her I won't forgive you."

Mr.Jeon words knock some sense in Jungkook. He looked all over the place just to find it broken into pieces.

He covered his face regretting his decision of life Removing his father's hand from his collar he rushed outside towards his car.

Starting the engine of his car he called his hyung using his burner phone.
" Suga hyung I don't have time to explain but please track y/n's phone number now"

Clinching the starin wheels tightly he drove the car at a high speed. It only took in few minutes to reach him his expected destination.

The huge closed gates can't even stopped him . Increasing his speed he broke into the place breaking the gates. 

Guards rushed to stop his but they failed to stop his insanity. Sensing that he was  a few meters away from crashing into the beautiful white building he stopped his car.

He packed his loaded gun in his pocket before opening the car's door like a king who who never shows kindness to anyone.

Seeing him getting outside of the car all the guards back up a little bit.

Jungkook cracked his neck giving all those a deadly glance which is enough to fear them for their lives.

Wetting his red rosey lips he signaled them to fight with him like a real man.

"I feel like I'm seeing a real life movie scene woah!" Taehyung clapping his hands as he came out of his white mansion showing a fake amusement in his face.

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he intensely gaze the man. Failed to control the anger in him he punched Taehyung hard making him fall on the ground.

Taehyung smirked at him as he wiped blood from the wound Jungkook just gifted him.  He causally got up that felt like Jungkook just playfully pushed him.

Dusting his black coat he gave Jungkook a playful glance which almost boiled Jungkook's blood.

"If I was in your position I won't commit such terrible mistake."

"Fuck you .. You think your bastard guards can win against me than you are wrong rascal."

Taehyung smirked hearing his response,"Boys"

The next thing he saw want him strangle Taehyung thousands time so he himself give him the taste of hell.

His men brought half beaten yonngi and hoseok .

Jungkook took out his gun from pocket and aim at him

" Nah...Nah don't think of doing this as I would make sure if I die you would die here along with me. Remember you're in your enemy's area...Aww angry Jungkook looks so cute like a helpless trapped Lion."

A loud phone ring was heard as Taehyung scope out his phone from his pocket. Picking the call the glow he had vanished.

Seeing Taehyung's blank pale face Jungkook brust into laughter

"What the mighty king would come without a plan so that you can trap him . It's an absolute No. You took me st surprise kidnapping my hyungs but Alas you can't win against me just  pulling a simple trick . Now leave my hyungs otherwise you won't be able to meet you million dollars worth drugs in your pathetic life."

Both of the males looked at each other like they are ready to make the other one visit hell just by them. Their hatred is enough to drown the world in misery .

Taehyung rised his hands to signal his manto leave them.

Suga and hoseok threw glance at him as they stand beside Jungkook.

As Jungkook reached out his car Taehyung started, "Don't worry about y/n I personally drove her at Lisa's house. "

Jungkook's blood boiled hearing him . He was about to walk at him but suga stopped him

"It would better for us to get out from here immediately."

Jungkook nodded as he threw a last glance at him.


There was a thick silence in the car as Jungkook was driving the car.

"We are sorry." Hoseok said breaking the silence.

"It's not your fault hyung . I'm surprised to see that bitch has guts to think he can defeat us using his filthy tricks "

"Taehyung was right y/n is at Lisa's house. Still we should check if she is fine or not." Suga said as he tracked
y/n's phone location using Jungkook laptop.

"I believe she would be fine Taehyung won't want to lose his only and best card against us also I think I would better to give her some space." Jungkook said as he got lost in his thoughts.

I'm sorry for late update. My exams just ended so I was enjoying my lovely break .

How many of you cried hearing the news of bts military enlistment?

I fucking cried for full 1 hour........

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