« 16 »

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"Seungcheol likes werewolf blood after vampire blood," Suede informs as she sits at the farthest corner of the bed (of her house's guest room) away from Junmyeon who's holding his own hybrid child.

Junmyeon turns to her, firstly noticing the gap she made between them and concluding, "You gave him your blood?"

"Ah," Suede responds, clapping and looking up to think, before the sound of Yixing opening the bathroom door makes its way to her ears. "Yeah," she says, shifting her glance to Yixing. "You can say that."

"Did he forcibly drink it from you?" Yixing questions, walking towards them and finding his place beside Junmyeon within the space between the said vampire and Suede.

Yixing turns his head to gaze at Suede to show he's waiting for her response.

Junmyeon watches as Suede pushes herself up with her palm on the mattress to inch herself closer to Yixing.

"Yeah. Yes, here," Suede replies, tapping her left forearm wrapped with black cloth. "Two days ago. It's healing, don't worry."

Yixing looks down at where Suede is gesturing to before shifting his gaze back to Suede. "Sorry.."

Suede frowns at him and shakes her head, shrugging. "It's nothing, XingXing," she whispers and pats Yixing's head lightly.

Yixing blinks at her once, pulling himself away from her a bit. "H-Huh?"

"Hm?" Suede asks, before she immediately realizes and retrieves her hand like she's just been burned. "Oh! Sorry. It's just.." Suede says, showing an awkward smile, "the instincts."

"I-It's not the gesture," Yixing mutters, turning his head to Junmyeon with a meaningful gaze, to which Junmyeon just smiles weakly to.

Junmyeon shifts to peek at the other werewolf in the room, Yixing shifting his own gaze to their child. "Suede?"

"Yes?" Suede quickly responds, eyebrows raised and lips pursed right after.

"Please don't call Yixing like that. It's a special nickname for us," Junmyeon articulates, before he notices Yixing's hands reaching out for Seungcheol. "You want to hold him, love?"

Yixing looks up at Junmyeon and smiles, nodding. Junmyeon carefully hands Seungcheol to Yixing and just watches as Yixing lets their child lean in to his neck.

"I'll keep it in mind," Suede answers Junmyeon a bit late. "Yixing, careful. He might bite you."

Junmyeon chuckles and looks down at Yixing's thighs before glaring at Suede. "Excuse me. You've told Yixing that for about five times already today."

"But he's still letting Seungcheol do it," Suede points out. "I just want to remind him."

"You don't need to be an alpha to him, Suede," Junmyeon retaliates, clenching his jaw. "Please leave that for us."

"I am assigned to take care of the child. It's only right for me to do things in order to do that."

"And Yixing is not the child," Junmyeon retorts.

"Please don't fight," Yixing whispers with a wince, standing and rocking Seungcheol in his arms, shushing him and patting on his back. "I won't be able to calm Seungcheol from crying because my scent can't affect born hybrids.."

Junmyeon shifts his glare to Yixing, his gaze softening as soon as it lands on his mate. "I'm sorry."

Suede rolls her eyes and shuffles farther from Junmyeon again. "You're too prickly."

"You're the reason I'm irritated," Junmyeon retorts, crossing his arms and only staring at Yixing and Seungcheol.

"You calmed the two of us, didn't you? Yixing, just let the nature take control," Suede mutters, shaking her head.

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