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Yixing's tears just fall without him knowing it as he looks up at Junmyeon who smiles excitedly at him.

"Yixing.. Th-This is really it.. You're.. You're.. We're having a child.."

Yixing forces a smile and nods, fighting the urge to clutch the result with his fist, swallowing an invisible lump in his throat as he looks away and stares down at it.

"Is my mate happy..?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Junmyeon quickly responds, and Yixing wants it to be all that he needs to hear. He badly wishes it to be.

"I'm glad.." Yixing can only mutter, biting the inside of his lips. "Junmyeon," he says audibly, averting his gaze to his lover. "I want to give you everything.."

Junmyeon's tender gaze makes him let out a sob, to which Junmyeon immediately brings Yixing to his embrace for.

"Yixing. Yixing, you make me so happy.. I will. I'm the one who shall give you everything."

"I just love you so much.." Yixing whispers, hiccuping and burying his face into Junmyeon's neck.

"I love you, too.. I love you so much, too, Yixing.."

Yixing smiles to himself sadly.

* * * * *

Junmyeon plays with his pen as he stares at the walls, blinking himself to consciousness every once in a while.

He frowns down and closes his eyes, heaving a deep sigh.


The man in question quickly turns to the voice's direction, and he flashes a smile at Yixing who he sees, clinging to the doorway. "Hm?"

"Lu Han hyung is outside.. at the living room.."

"Oh," Junmyeon says, his voice louder than he thought it would be, startling Yixing. He smiles and chuckles. "Sorry," he whispers as he gets up his chair and heads out the room.

Lu Han shoots up as he senses Junmyeon's presence.

"What brings you here?" Junmyeon questions, smiling and frowning in curiosity.

"Oh, nothing, I just.." Lu Han trails off as he shifts his glance to Yixing. "You smell weird.." he whispers.

Yixing's eyes widen a bit as he looks down, putting his hands together. "I-Is that so, alpha?"

Junmyeon looks over at his omega and huffs. "Please don't make those comments. You should know this already. Talking foul on an omega's scent is.."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lu Han quickly states, snapping his gaze to Junmyeon, eyes wide in realization. "It's just distracting.. There's something odd.. It smells kind of sweet actually, just another scent than what I'm used to get from you.."

"Your sense of smell is so strong.." Junmyeon comments.

"No, it's just 'cause I'm an alpha.." Lu Han mindlessly states, before he slowly realizes what he just said. "Oh, sorry," he whispers, looking at Junmyeon then at Yixing. "I apologize.."

"What brings you here though.." Junmyeon changes the topic. "Are you here to report something?"

Lu Han purses his lips as if to think then shakes his head 'no' slowly. "No, there's nothing to.. report.."

"Then why?" Junmyeon inquires out of genuine curiosity, when Lu Han's phone makes a notification sound.

"Nothing. Just wanna check up on you, guys?" Lu Han rambles as he fishes his phone from his pocket, reading what seems to be a text. "Though I think I have to go," Lu Han states while looking at his screen. "Thanks for letting me in," Lu Han says and looks at Yixing with a soft smile before heading out.

"You're blushing," Junmyeon states as he turns around and walks away.

Yixing blinks and follows Junmyeon with his eyes as he turns to him. "What? No, I'm not~!" Yixing denies.

Junmyeon huffs and turns back to Yixing. "Why do you still get affected by that alpha?" he asks carefully, trying to control his tone of voice. "It's making me feel this way again.." Junmyeon honestly says and looks away.

"I'm sorry.." Yixing mutters. "I-I can't control it.. It just happens.."

"Stay away from alphas. That might solve it," Junmyeon firmly says, snapping his gaze to Yixing, whose eyes widen in surprise. "You heard me, didn't you?"

"I'd do that.. but I can't actually avoid alphas, right? We have alpha union members.."

It turns out that it's not what Junmyeon wanted to hear.

"Did you not hear what I said? I said avoid them, right? Stay away."

"But what I mean is that I can't just—"

"Yixing," Junmyeon states, and Yixing's averts his gaze when he sees Junmyeon's eyes turn crimson.

"O-Okay.." Yixing mumbles.

"Good," Junmyeon says and walks away, leaving Yixing looking down and clenching his fists in his clothes.

* * * * *

Yixing flinches when Junmyeon suddenly puts his hand on top of his head, making him snap his gaze to whoever is touching him.

"Why do you get so scared.." Junmyeon mutters and pouts as he climbs up the bed. "It's just me.."

"Sorry.." Yixing whispers, leaning his head to Junmyeon's touch. "I-I just feel.. like I should be afraid.."

"Why? You sense that it's me, don't you?"

"I didn't really sense it just now.. I-It feels like someone else, too.." Yixing mumbles as he closes his eyes with Junmyeon brushing his hair with his fingers.

"What? Really?" Junmyeon inquires.

Yixing nods and looks down. "I'm sorry.. Maybe it's because of my pregnancy? My sense of smell is faltering these days.."

"Oh.. Must be that.."


Silence fills the two as Junmyeon just cards his fingers through Yixing's locks, then Yixing inches closer to rest his head on Junmyeon's chest, and Junmyeon rests his back against the headboard.



"Did I scare you?"

Yixing takes several seconds to understand it. "Yeah.."

"I'm sorry.."

"Mm-hmm.." Yixing hums. "It's okay.. I understand.. Alphas make my mate feel like that.. I'm sorry they make me feel so submissive, Myeonnie.."

Junmyeon makes a sharp intake of air. "You're right. It's.. It's not something you can control.."

"I will avoid them.."

"Thank you.." Junmyeon can only state.

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