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"From now on, tell me what you're thinking. When you're scared, when you're worried, when you're happy, you have to tell me," Yixing starts, setting the glass of beta blood infront of Junmyeon.

"I want to see your face," Junmyeon whispers. "A-And I feel like I'm losing you."

Yixing shifts his glance to Junmyeon, frowning in confusion before sitting across him. "Can you tell me more?"

"You're now the one running errands. I understand that it's because of me. But then I.. I sometimes feel that you're being more objective when you come here to me. When you do the things to keep me calmed down, you feel emotionless. Xing, I can't feel anything from our bond. Not even your love. It's as if you're purposefully trying to not feel anything."

Yixing licks his lips in contemplation as he rests his forearms on the table, leaning into them before meeting Junmyeon's gaze. "I want to tell you it's not true," Yixing honestly says. "But it is."

Junmyeon's eyes waver as he abruptly looks away. "That.. That hurt my heart."

"I'm sorry, Junmyeon.." Yixing whispers. "But I have to do it. I have to face this with you, and in order for me to not get too scared, I'm trying to not put any feeling into this. That has worked since the start. I helped you through doing that."

"What would I do if you lost feelings?" Junmyeon inquires, voice so soft that it almost breaks. "I know it's absurd to think of it. But that's what I'm currently thinking, Xing. Are we not breaking apart? Please tell me we're not."

"That's not—" Yixing stops, blinking slowly. "Junmyeon.."

"Hm?" Junmyeon responds, gaze expectant as he stares at Yixing, but then he picks up the glass and stares down at it instead. "Seungcheol wanted to ask.. about how to take care of omegas. And you know, as a vampire, that's not my expertise—"

"Please don't change the topic," Yixing politely states after tapping the table twice.

Junmyeon pauses on tilting the glass and averts his gaze to Yixing in shock. "Did you just use a meeting signal while talking with me, Xing?"

Yixing freezes in place, looking at his hand in realization. "O-Oh.. I'm sorry, I just," Yixing whispers. "This is a table.. so.."

"You don't need to be so formal with me," Junmyeon says, casting a hurt gaze at Yixing before quickly downing the blood in the glass. "This is what I'm saying.."

"It's nothing like that," Yixing defends. "Junmyeon, I love you. That is why I'm doing all this. We just have to get Lu Han's blood to neutralize the aberration, and then all this would be over. We can go back to how we were. Just with Seungcheol."

"You're doing this because it's a problem," Junmyeon whispers, smiling bitterly. "You're doing this because you're the peacemaker omega werewolf."

Yixing frowns. "Can I say 'fuck you'?" Yixing retorts, raising his eyebrows. "Can I say fuck you, Junmyeon?"

"Yixing, I'm just telling it how I see it. This is what I know. That is what I think."

"Well, for me, I think that 'fuck you,' Junmyeon," Yixing emphasizes, tightening his jaw. "Are you fucking downplaying my love? Why the fuck would I go to these heights if not for my love for you?"

"You're being like that again," Junmyeon pushes from his throat. "You're talking like it's an objective fact. You're talking about loving me while trying to prove a point, Yixing. Do you understand what I mean? Do you get me?"

"Are you saying that I've been saying that I love you all these past weeks in vain?!" Yixing questions, and his eyes flash golden and purple beyond his control. "You don't believe that I love you!"

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