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"I'm gonna be painfully honest with you," Yixing starts as he nears Jongdae, handing him the extra potion he requested and leaning against the (Minseok's) kitchen counter. "You and your mate are very annoying."

Jongdae winces, setting the bottle of potion down the kitchen counter so he can hold his drink with two hands again. "Is it because I'm loud? I'm sorry~"

"You're loud because of your alpha mate. He should be the one saying sorry," Yixing responds, and Jongdae looks up at him while sipping his drink. "You guys were in it for hours. I did something with my own mate and after we finished, you guys are still going, being very very noisy that it's a bit concerning. Were you in heat?"

Jongdae smiles around his straw and nods, pausing on drinking for a moment. "Minseok alpha has some tasks to do so he became aggressive in my heat.. so that he can calm down my heat for a short while.. My wolf.. Minseok made my wolf.. y-yeah," Jongdae vaguely says, looking to his bottom right and sipping on his drink. "Overwhelmed my wolf.."

"I'm surprised you aren't limping," Yixing mutters, looking down at Jongdae's legs.

"H-Hey," Jongdae complains, covering Yixing's sight with a hand. "I'm a werewolf.. I heal quickly.."

"Oh.." Yixing trails off. "That's.. That's why.. because I don't heal so I end up limping," Yixing remarks to himself, before he tilts his head. "Wait, what about Sehun? He can heal, so why does he limp.." Yixing's voice dies down when he realizes he just brought another omega's name into their discussion.

"Oh, Lu Han hyung uses girth, but I don't know how," Jongdae answers simply. "Sehun says he remembers how 'stretched' he was and that's the reason he can't walk straight. His alpha also 'stretches Sehun's legs'."

Yixing looks to his bottom left. "I do think your legs were stretched, too," Yixing contends. "So why are you walking normally?"

Jongdae furrows his eyebrows with a smile, amused.

"No, really, go walk around. You walk normally."

"Hyung," Jongdae starts, prancing around the space infront of the kitchen counter to show before looking Yixing from his shoulder, "because I'm a gymnast."

Yixing smiles sarcastically. "Shut the fuck up, Jongdae."

Jongdae erupts into laughter. "No, hyung. My alpha does literal stretches on my legs after we do it. Aftercare, yeah."

"Can keep up with your intense heat, do his pack duties, and does such a good aftercare that you can walk normally after screaming all night long," Yixing states, slack-jawed. He blinks slowly. "You don't understand the amount of alpha that he is, Jongdae."

"Oh, please, I understand," Jongdae replies, walking over to Yixing. "I know I have great alpha," Jongdae whispers. "That's why I'm doing this, you know.." he then says, gesturing to the potion.

Yixing's gaze changes, and he follows Jongdae's line of sight. "Jongdae.."

"Yeah, hyung, but don't look at me with such sorrow," Jongdae mutters, inching closer to Yixing and offering his drink. Yixing is about to accept it when Jongdae pulls it away and giggles, "My mate gave me this drink! I'm not sharing it."

Yixing furrows his eyebrows, offended. "You just offered.. You.." Yixing trails off, shaking his head before he then pauses in realization. "You're changing the topic, aren't you, Jongdae?"

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