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"Are you okay now?" Minseok questions, meticulously wiping Jongdae's tears away. "You've been throwing up at every meal I cook, and at every occasion."

Jongdae glances up at Minseok, heaving deep breathes. "Are you.. thinking what I am thinking..?"

Minseok pauses. "Hm?"

"You know that this means.. I might be pregnant, right?" Jongdae questions, eyeing Minseok's expression carefully.

Minseok smiles subtly. "Yeah, yeah, I've.. I've thought about it."

No, he haven't. Minseok just lied.

That didn't cross his mind even once.

He's too busy being worried about Jongdae's state to think about that.

"Are you happy?" Jongdae asks, peeking at Minseok because the latter is looking everywhere but him.

"Yeah, of course. If you're happy, I'm happy.." Minseok speaks, breathing in and holding it for a short moment before sighing.

Jongdae bites the inside of his cheeks, not being able to stop his own smile. "I'm glad.."

* * * * *

Minseok stares down the leaves at his feet, stepping on the line of the union's territory as he waits for Lu Han to answer his call.

[Hello?] Lu Han speaks after several rings, and Minseok heaves a sigh of relief.

"God, Lu Han," Minseok whispers. "Can you help me?"

[Uhm, no?] Lu Han honestly replies, and Minseok hears rustling of clothes from the other line. [I'm getting ready for work. Why?]

"Jongdae might be pregnant," Minseok shares, swallowing and looking up at the sky, eyes brimming with tears. "Lu Han, he might be pregnant."

[O-Oh..] Lu Han trails off, and the rustling sounds of earlier stop. [But you said you'll wait until his next heat.]

Minseok nods, covering his mouth with his hand to muffle a pained sound. "I did. I did, Lu Han. I gave him the pills. But then I.. my alpha.. instincts.. mustn't have been good enough.. I ended up giving him the pills later than you advised us to, because I smelled his heat too late."

[No, wait, Minseok, what you just said is not possible. It's not possible to smell Jongdae's heat too late if you were literally beside him. You've been mated for months now, you're bound to have the record of the pre-heat scent. It just doesn't make sense. Look, if we think about it—]

"It doesn't matter if it makes sense, Lu Han," Minseok interrupts. "Is it completely safe? Is he safe? If he's pregnant, he won't—" Minseok swallows a sob. "He won't get hurt? He won't lose our child?"

[Do you want the honest answer or..] Lu Han trails off, [the moral support answer?]

Minseok's eyes shake as he slowly realizes. "Lu Han, give me the pack doctor's answer right now. I'm losing my fucking mind."

[Well, there's a very small possibility that omegas can have miscarriages. Even—Even Sehun. But it's a very small possibility. As to your omega, however, since it's the first heat that his uterus is ready..]

Minseok waits for what Lu Han will say next, but nothing comes. "He might not be fully ready," Minseok questions, though it ends up sounding like a statement.


"Han," Minseok breathes out, sitting himself down the ground, staring outside helplessly. "What am I supposed to do now?" Minseok croaks out. "He's been throwing up at meals and at random occassions. He's most probably pregnant."

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