« 18 »

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"I see.. You're going to accompany your mate all the way?" Lu Han asks as he opens the front door of his house, stepping in right away, Junmyeon humming in response.

Junmyeon, who has been tailing behind Lu Han, pauses on his steps just in time as Lu Han turns and smiles.

"Come in," Lu Han welcomes, then tilting his head and looking at either Sehun or Yixing behind Junmyeon.

Junmyeon gazes at Lu Han as the latter takes longer than needed if it's ever Yixing he's staring at.

"Sure, you can, omega," Lu Han whispers, making Junmyeon turn and catch sight of Sehun perking up and jumping lightly.

Oh, he was looking at Sehun.

"I'll be back quick..!" Sehun announces, lightly skipping on his steps as he starts to walk away, before looking Lu Han over his shoulder. "Love you, alpha~"

"Love you, babe."

Junmyeon turns his head and watches Lu Han follow Sehun with his lovestruck eyes.

"He's the sweetest," Yixing remarks, stepping closer to Lu Han when Lu Han makes way for them. "You're lucky."

"Oh, I know," Lu Han almost moans out. "Very lucky," he then corrects Yixing and giggles, gesturing for Junmyeon to come in as well.

Junmyeon stares at Lu Han intently, studying his every gesture.

Is this what Yixing wants?

"Did you practice it?" Junmyeon blurts out, and Yixing turns to him first.

"Hm?" Yixing inquires, pausing on his tracks. "Did I practice what, Myeonnie?"

"Lu Han," Junmyeon clarifies and smiles at Yixing. "I'm asking Lu Han hyung."

"Oh.." Yixing nods while Lu Han turns on his heels.

"What's that?"

Junmyeon's eyes widen for a small moment. "Oh, uhm.." Junmyeon trails off, tilting his head in contemplation. "Being a good alpha.. Is it.. learnable?"

Junmyeon can almost see Yixing's frown while Lu Han looks taken aback.

"I'm a good alpha?" Lu Han questions back, his gaze changing to one of possible sorrow before looking down and chuckling and turning away. "You're asking the wrong person, don't you think?"

Junmyeon doesn't talk as Lu Han leads them inside the medicine room.

"Suede told us you were the best alpha in the union objectively, and that she looks up to you." Yixing is the one who speaks first, using Mandarin.

"Rubbish," Lu Han comments, pursing his lips as he rounds his table, pulling his chair out and gesturing the two chairs across him. "Take a seat."

When Lu Han notices that Junmyeon is slightly frowning, he remembers to switch the language.

"Take a seat," Lu Han repeats.

Junmyeon's mouth falls open as he then follows Yixing.

Junmyeon can feel the nervousness that Yixing is feeling, so he reaches out to his mate and gazes at him meaningfully, holding his hand.

It doesn't help though.

Lu Han eyes Yixing like he knows, and Junmyeon figures that he might as well do, since he's the union's tracker after all.

On top of that, Lu Han is an alpha.

Junmyeon looks down at Lu Han's skin near the collar of his shirt and swallows.

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