Chapter 3: Nemesis

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I'm not gonna kill you, I don't wanna hurt youDon't look so scared when I get close to youI'm not gonna kill you, I don't wanna hurt youStop, can you not look at me in that way?

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I'm not gonna kill you, I don't wanna hurt you
Don't look so scared when I get close to you
I'm not gonna kill you, I don't wanna hurt you
Stop, can you not look at me in that way?

I'm not going to kill you-Nemahsis
(This artist is amazing and speaks about her experience with islamophobia through her music, check her out!!)
Tw: cutting? / mentions of suicide. But not really

Taehyung did not smile, did not react to her embarrassment like the others in the room. Instead, her took note of her proud silence.

Her articulate disobedience.

Leila was not loud in her actions, her voice, her threats. They were as silent as a desert breeze, but just as scorching as the suffocating, golden sun.

She did not have to be loud, dramatic, or biting to burn others.

So instead, she leaned forward, bowing and paying her royal respects to her new husband without breaking eye contact. His eyes glittered black as they followed her in her descent and back to rise.

Taking in the "custom" she learned from Jimin, she boldly grabbed one of his large, golden hands. The man made no sound, no movement as she lifted his limb to her plum lips, and pressed softly into his cold knuckles. Leila did not falter in contact, though his smooth skin made her lips tremble.

So unlike the lips she had touched before. And this was just a hand.

He smelt like mahogany. And the woods when it caught aflame. That and another deeper, sweeter and spicy scent she couldn't place.

She let the weight of his hand fall. Feeling her chest move a little faster than usual as he let it all happen. If he had moved away in the silence of the room, it would've been obvious to his subjects that he had little control over what she chose to do in those moments. Though his handsome face did not show it, her little act had been one of defiance.

Taehyung did not intend for the opportunity to go to waste. The taller man placed his hand on the small of her back, right on the V of her gauzy material.

Leila couldn't hide her gasp, as another human's flesh had never touched her there. At least, someone who was not a woman whom was meant to bathe her. The expanse of his hand fit almost across the entire surface, strong and sure against her. Her silver eyes flickered up to him, to find he was already staring back at her, his jaw tensed.

For a moment, and one moment only, she saw a flash of something in Taehyung's eyes. A hesitation as he traced the length of her spine, drinking in every drop of her tanned face, and long hair that tickled the back of his hand.

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