Chapter 40: Fruition

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"It's happening againWell, I don't give a fuck about your friendsI'm right here"

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"It's happening again
Well, I don't give a fuck
about your friends
I'm right here"

Right Here - Chase Atlantic


They were sickening. Fucking. Sickening.

Pretending as if no one could see them in the halls. Two ghosts flirting around the life of the living.

As if for a month they hadn't been so enthralled within themselves that no one else existed.

Jimin had been proven wrong once again.

Before, he considered his heart entirely barren. Only his want for Leila ebbing and flowing like the lowest of tides.

Now, now he truly felt nothing.

He had agreed to her plan to win the prince's attentions once and for all, and to at least force his hand. And with every passing minute, Jimin had enjoyed it. But that was the problem, wasn't it? He enjoyed something for once. That childish echo of a time forgotten pounded through his heart, as he dipped her to the cloud-like marble below them. Had relished in the anger and envy that burned from Taehyung, the little prince once again who had always gotten his way. When they were young, Jimin had felt tendrils of it. When he won a sword fight. When he raced his horse harder. But it was dull in comparison to the glory he felt holding someone the prince had branded his.

Then, something delicate had pried it's way through. At the dark fall of Leila's hair over his pale hand. The feel of her pliable flesh beneath the tips of his fingers. The glow of stars in her light eyes, the delicateness she exuded, despite her propensity for rulership, it made his body float. And she looked at him with those star-filled eyes in a way that made his stomach drop, his tongue lose it's witty caress.

When their lips touched, for a moment, Jimin thought things could go his way without having to bend the will of nature. For once, only once. Maybe someone could choose him.

Little had shaken the man to his core. Not since the death of his guardian, Clarisse. Not since he saw bodies scattered across the thrown room, a field of macabre flowers.

But seeing the way Leila looked at Taehyung after all he had done to avoid her, that crumbled the ground he stood on.

Taehyung could never look her way. He could whisper sweet nothings, and treat her coldly the next. He could push her away, and be as cruel as he liked in the name of protecting her from a bloody fate. And he could take it all back with a bat of his eyes and a smile. Because he was the prince. He was her sun. It just further proved to Jimin that he could be better in every way, and he would still never be good enough. A truth he had accepted with gratitude and internalized when he was younger. A feeling that was now a threat more than anything else as it simmered over the years.

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