Chapter 29: Hunting Shadows

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"I run in the nightA shadow, I huntI'll kill the dark with beacons of light, of light"

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"I run in the night
A shadow, I hunt
I'll kill the dark with beacons
of light, of light"

Hunting Shadows - Aurora

I forgot, Spice - o - meter : 🌶️🌶️🌶️


"Did you have a dream?" A voice, his voice lilted softly to her, in the space between rest and awake.

Leila fought with herself to open her eyes, enjoying the feel of fingers grazing down her arm.

When she finally lost, she tilted her head back to see the prince fully dressed, sitting on the edge of his bed. He must have gotten up before her, because he did not fall asleep looking so put together.

Leila blushed at the thought, as she took in his waved hair that was brushed to perfection. A new dark blue uniform he wore, understated but expertly tailored to his body. And the aching expression he wore on his elegant face, a mixture of male satisfaction and something like awe as she lay on the bed underneath him, her hair sprawled out behind her.

Are you a dream?

"No, I haven't for the past couple of nights. Did you find out anything else while reading?" Leila questioned, sitting up and pulling his heavy sheets up with her to cover her chest.

His desk was a mess, open books laying across the wooden expanse. In his chair. On the prince's nightstand.

It seemed he had woken up in the middle of the night, furiously looking for answers. Why?

His eyes moved over her swiftly, taking in her sleepy eyes and dark hair that draped over almost bare shoulders. When his eyes finally made it back to her own, her whole body was flushed with excitement.

Not now.

And though the thought of recreating what happened last night seemed to run through both of their minds, too much time had passed without them working towards a resolution.

With her blood, he was at his peak. Glowing, and alive. A shining star amongst the sky. And much less worrisome.

Considering she was still alive despite his feeding. The princess guessed it wasn't the moment to say she told him so. He didn't like being wrong, even when she was the one to prove it.

The prince shook his head, breaking the moment, "No, I'm trying to find a translation for the damned cursed book you're reading. Attempting to read."

"Do you want to look through the poem again? Now that I've told you all of my visions, and you've been researching, maybe something will reveal itself as we go through it again. Maybe something that aligns with the curse as well. We just, we have to keep trying."

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