Epilogue: Redemption

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"But it's never long before An old yearning rises forThe cradled nightsThe siren's callLet me always return to thee"

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"But it's never long before
An old yearning rises for
The cradled nights
The siren's call
Let me always return to thee"

A Drop of Blood - Tamino


"You are insane!" Setareh paced before her angrily.

I hear that often. Leila smiled to herself.

"It's her best quality," Taehyung stated, his eyes grazing over her tenderly. He leaned against his throne instead of sitting on it, arms crossed. He refused until her throne sat right beside his, just as proud. She melted into a puddle, even as her sister groaned loudly in annoyance.

Insane. Prideful. Cunning. Selfless. Mesmerizing. Brash.

But they were all her. It was what made Leila, Ignis Lunae. And she could just be, now that her death had already come. It ceased from looming over her shoulder. Did they not understand her relief?

"Crazy this, senseless that. Do you all not appreciate this!" Leila gestures to the large windows of the throne room.

Both Taehyung and Leila gathered all of their closest subjects to relay what had happened. Lily had given up on the task after she realized Namjoon had truly left. A mystery still left to be solved.

"I am grateful, truly. You did us all a favor." Jeongguk answered, smiling broadly. "It could have gone terribly. And yet here you are standing before us."

Leila knew a quip about her shutting up for five minutes after drowning was hiding under the man's tongue. But she still appreciated it, even as Setareh knocked into his shoulders.

Aera, who had finally been able to climb out of her coffin, lifted a single brow. Her jade eyes appraised her easily, "And to think we all wanted you caged and dead." Then more solemnly, "I am proud to call you our Queen, light bringer."

Leila's heart soared at the name, though she did not want too much praise. She had done the right thing. She had broken their cages. The cycle of hatred that has festered between both the Immortui and the curse bearers.

It was all over.

The rest of the noblemen nodded, taking themselves out of their seats to bow.

"You told us your family secrets. You went against tradition to tell us of the Immortui origin." Jin commented, his eyes lighting up with warmth, "I never thought I would see the sun. But I thought it would come back before you ever shared the curse with us in its entirety. What you have spoken of is invaluable to us."

Leila had not realized that indeed they had all lost out. Their parents and ancestors were sworn to secrecy of their beginnings, and they were not told of what occurred the day of the black sun so that they could not side with Nox. The nobles would have forever been in the dark if they had not told them.

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