Chapter 47: Falling with Grace

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"I was given a heart before I was given a mindA thirst for pleasure and war, a hunger we keep insideWe fell from sky with grace, and life gave us a sweeter tasteYou can drink, you can feastThere's beauty in your beast"Blood in the Wine - Aurora

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"I was given a heart before I was given a mind
A thirst for pleasure and war, a hunger we keep inside
We fell from sky with grace, and life gave us a sweeter taste
You can drink, you can feast
There's beauty in your beast"
Blood in the Wine - Aurora



I am asleep. I know I am.

My head lifts without permission. That familiar voice directed only at me once before.

I am standing in a chamber, there is water beneath my feet. I panic, splashing gray liquid. My yells echoing. There is only gray clouds around me, and endless sky.


I look up, my heart pounding. I know that voice. I know it like my own.

Sorina stands before me, a ghost. She looks onto me with concern, black material draped around her thinness like shadow itself. I do not know how or why she stands before me. I do not know if I am awake or asleep. All I know is she is looking at me, saying my name. Her footsteps making the gray, placid water beneath us ripple. Moonlight painting us gray, silver, and blue.

I am frozen as she approaches, her features becoming more clear with every step.

I have watched her for months now, known her face and her pain. For her most vulnerable moments, I have been a pained member of an audience.

She stops a few steps before me. Smiling softly, expectantly.

It was entirely different to be standing right before the second daughter of the moon. To be acknowledged by someone long gone. A character in a story that I continued in her wake. Now flesh and blood like me.

She was beautiful in the way the sky weeps.

If I am the light of the moon, she is the shadow. The creeping darkness of the forest, the water underneath the foam of a wave. I know why Jae was lost, for her face exuded something past aristocracy, like she was the chaos of nature incarnate.

Pale skin, full lips, and sharp chin, she looked like her son in all the ways he was soft. The raven blackness of her hair, to which Taehyung possessed, was just as striking. The silver of her eyes which was the only feature similar to mine, shone in a way that startled me. I wondered if that is how people felt when I looked at them, like we saw past the flesh.

I could see just how much Taehyung took from her. His graceful, calculated movement. That unyielding, almost playful confidence. The stark glare of intelligence behind weaponized beauty.

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