Chapter 13: Alone

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"It sort of feels like I'm running out of timeI haven't found all I was hoping to find"

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"It sort of feels like
I'm running out of time
I haven't found all
I was hoping to find"

Why'd you only ever call me when you're high? - Joel Sunny / strings version


It was early in the morning. The bells had only struck four times and the candle lights remained dim.

Leila awoke, groggily pulled from the throws of sleep. This morning was misty from the remnants of last night's storm. The air smelled like the cold, salt, and pine trees. A crisp scent she was surely growing accustomed to. The moisture in the atmosphere clung to her waves, dampening her skin. Nightgown stuck between her chest and legs.

She looked outside her window, into the foggy night. The rain had stopped, leaving the crystalline world around her shining. The sea still moved, and the moon shone on the newly splashed rocks. The castle glittered, cutting through the smoky mist.

There, through it all. A black winding stroke across the land; the road leading to nowhere. The dark path she'd taken by horse and carriage to get to the castle.

Taehyung and Jimin will be back today.

And alas, Leila would not know peace.

Or sleep.

She rolled from the bed, the stones frigid and cooling underneath her feet. She struggled for a silk robe hanging by her bed, wrapping the material around her. Rubbing at her eyes, and adjusting her eyes to the living world.

The girl walked over to her door swiftly, taking a glance at the black book from last night with her. If she went to the library now, she might've had time before Taehyung arrived to see if there were any other books that could help with it's translation.

The young woman felt much more at ease walking down the hallway.

The storm did not rage, casting strange shadows. And the magicked lights were just bright enough to make sense of the pathways. Simple enough to make it to the large room before being noticed.

That is, until she tripped over something.

Her ankle caught on something rounded and covered in material. Leila cursed, catching herself on the ground with both wrists before hitting her face. She dusted off her skirts lifting herself off the ground, turning around and lighting her chest so she could see what caused her fall.

Her sharp intake of breath left her without a voice.

A girl, lay dead.

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