Chapter 42.5: Under the Stars

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"The shadow of darkness remains in the deep nightThe moon is risingDrawing out a light

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"The shadow of darkness remains in the deep night
The moon is rising
Drawing out a light...
When dawn comes to find me"

Starry Night - MAMAMOO

Spice-O-Meter: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

The dungeon door creaked shut with a rusty slam.

Why did I agree to this?

Setareh still faced outward, not wanting to see Jeongguk's reaction. No, she rather stare into the dark nothingness of the underground through gem crushed bars.

"So," His already arrogantly amused voice made her stiffen, "This was your plan to help me? Get thrown in yourself? I knew I could count on you."

Curse you Kim Taehyung. And my love-sick sister.

His laugh echoed around them as she let out a groan of frustration.

She whirled on him, her arms a crossed over her stupid, flimsy slip of a dress. Over dramatic if you ask me. His laughter quieted as he took in its thin fabric, the flesh that showed at her chest. Her enraged expression that never really stuck on such a soft face. He gulped as she stepped closer to him.

"What? It's not so funny anymore?" She paused, doing her best to remain intimidating. It was easier, when he sat in a corner on the floor.

She towered over him. Forcing him to look up at her with his rounded eyes.

The man looked up at her, slack jawed for a fee more seconds. He shook his head, his dark hair just as clean as it had been when he was first jailed. His white blouse a little unruly, but it looked like someone had artificially rolled it around in dirt. His face was clean, his feet covered. A plate of unfinished food sat by his side, a layer of blankets nestled in the other corner.

He took in her observatory glances, "Yes, I've been living like a King in here. I am quite alright with it. What I'm worried about, is you not being able to handle it, princess."

Setareh didn't bother correcting him. That she did not carry the same title as her sister, and that her family wasn't real royalty. Tenebris was much more strict on neighboring territories, and all governmental structures were prohibited.

Instead, she continued to remain insulted. Because if she did, she could put distance between them. And maybe, just maybe, she could survive being so close to him without doing something stupid.

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