Chapter 35.5: Say My Name

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"I love the way you say my nameYour sun kissed skin and your dark brown maneNow I know you feel the same"Say my Name - Nello

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"I love the way you say my name
Your sun kissed skin
and your dark brown mane
Now I know
you feel the same"
Say my Name - Nello

(I'm even doing first person pov cuz I like to keep y'all fed &
This is a mini chapter JUST for you guys because I wouldn't put this in a real book)



I knew it was her as soon as she walked in the room. I always do.

The senses of a Vipera are sharper of that of a humans. And due to that reason, we have accustomed to the onslaught of sights, smells, sounds, and tastes by tuning them out. I do, unless I am on high alert. I let every scatter of mice, every rush of blood pounding through someone's veins, or the taste of the air after a fire go unnoticed.

But Leila, like everything else, is a different story.

She cuts through my shields. My walls. The ones I carefully craft to keep everything out.

I hear her first, as she steps through the iron doors. Her quiet footsteps that show she's had good posture her entire life. The slight shuffle of her right foot despite this, because of an injury she sustained that didn't heal properly in her ankle. She barely even notices it.

Then, she carries in with her that scent. Of cinnamon, of amber. Of all things warm and good and her. The undercurrent of oud always made my pulse race, and I could feel it now. Drumming a beat against the column of my throat.

Ignis. The name dies a tragic death in my chest.


So focused on the princess, who arrested me without a glance and who waited for my welcome of her, I did not notice the rest of the room.

The entirety of the lords were talking, whispering to each other in tones that were too low for even me to hear. Some chuckles, a smile here and there. Adult men elbowing and pushing at each other.

All staring behind me. Even the silent ones.

And I felt it, the collective emotion that was soaring through the room. A sense I usually shut off, or denied. But I could not, at the sheer strength of it. Two hungers, mixing. One for her blood, the other for her body. The latter overriding the first lust.

Of course.

Leila was always beautiful, without a doubt. Undoubtedly the most alluring woman I had ever lay my eyes on, and I was not blind or stupid enough to believe that I would be the only one to see that. I had prepared myself for this sort of reaction to her. How could I not expect it? When she was so—

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