Chapter 23: Talking to the Moon

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"Fi hagat tethas ou matitelsh (Some things are felt, And not spoken) Ouen git atloubha ana ma adersh (And when I want to say it, I can't)Wi la wenta aamil taha baadi mana (And if you do it after I ask for it )Atlubha ib amayenfahsh (Then there's n...

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"Fi hagat tethas ou matitelsh (Some things are felt, And not spoken)
Ouen git atloubha ana ma adersh (And when I want to say it, I can't)
Wi la wenta aamil taha baadi mana (And if you do it after I ask for it )
Atlubha ib amayenfahsh (Then there's no use)"

Talking to the Moon x Fi Hagat - Elyanna

(its on spotify! and youtube. This song inspired Leila's character, so please listen!)

Part II. The Fatality of Desire


"May I speak what is on everyone's mind?"

Leila did not stir as Jeongguk's voice ricocheted  around the domed council room, commanding all attention. The dark walls and large black oak table centered in the middle were paired perfectly with  the ghastly tension that seemed to permeate through the group.

The princess had expected nothing less than disapproval at her appearance in the council today.

Six men, including Jimin, stared back at her with varying levels of suspicion and distaste. Even Hoseok, who she had thought warmed up to her from his wine gifts.

She regarded the blatant stares with pride. It was what she wanted. A clear and open view of every person who might wish her harm. Mostly everyone. One thing she would never deny from her training, was to keep her enemies tethered to her. If they would move against her, she would move with them.

It seemed for a moment that Taehyung would carry on without acknowledging the man. The prince was dressed finely, in all black attire etched with traces of silver. The crown sat atop his head, the jewels shone like sea glass. Leila looked down at her own dress, a gray frock that trailed with buttons all the way to her neck and around it, in her attempt to seem drab in comparison to the man beside her as to not pull away more attention. 

"Prince Kim." Jeongguk repeated more forcefully, his voice deepening.

Leila looked up, eyes catching with the most hostile noble. His jewel framed gaze pierced her sharply, a bite of his own as he looked at her like she was the devil incarnate.

Her cheeks heated as Taehyung shifted to her right, though she tried to calm her reaction. She didn't need the men to think of her as a blushing bride when she wished to be legitimate before them.

She watched out of the corner of her eye as the prince leaned forward, hands gripping to the black oak as he leaned in, "Go ahead, Noble Jeon. I'm so unfathomably curious to know what plagues you."

They had practiced earlier, how the prince would handle push back. They settled on haughty arrogance, hoping to ignite insecurity in his higher court. His tone was quaint, but it was clear that Taehyung was not sincere. Anyone weaker would have stepped back.

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