Chapter 12: Wicked

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"Lonely I, I'm so alone nowThere'll be no rest for the wickedThere's no song for the choirThere's no hope for the wearyIf you let them win without a fight"No Rest for the Wicked - Lykke Li

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"Lonely I, I'm so alone now
There'll be no rest for the wicked
There's no song for the choir
There's no hope for the weary
If you let them win without a fight"
No Rest for the Wicked - Lykke Li



The hunger had not left him.

It grabbed and clawed at his throat, twisted in its desire. It bared its sharp talons, and ran them along his spine, as he swallowed his last mouthful of doe blood.

Thirst. Even after he just drank an entire animal. It had always been enough before. But then, before, there was other sustenance involved.

An increasing problem none of them were not allowed to fix.

It weathered him. As he looked into the darkness, at the full moon. The snow toned to a sad blue, cut across with silver. Into the vastness of the open field, only a circle of gnarled wood to conceal them. The lack of anything living in his line of sight.  His hand tightened into a fist, stiff as the coldness that seemed an old friend.

This. This was all they had left.  A begotten piece of land to hunt upon. To bring home to the others.

They were all connected, in a strange way. No one really understood it. But when the Prince was well fed, so were his subjects. When he abstained from his own thirst, it made others wither with him. A simple problem with an easy fix, that Taehyung refused to take.

Though, it was made worse by the lack of humans in this area. Strangely, so void it seemed like they had not resided here at all. Only a month it had been, and yet the air was different. The hunt itself, was different. Barren and willing of no fruits.

Jimin righted himself from the sullied ground, wiping at his nose. Trying to ignore the gnawing in his stomach.

Where was Taehyung?

They needed to talk. Now. Jimin was tired of holding back his thoughts for the sake of his honor.

The snow crunched under him, a sad song. He turned from the clearing, readying himself to enter into the tree line to find his counter part. He had not seen any of the other nobles around. Not even the crack of a branch or the wailing of wind.

His back felt a light with warm, the outermost layer buzzing as if electrified. Jimin slowly turned his head to the side, a small breath leaving him as he spotted the glow a couple feet behind him in the field.

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