Chapter 35: Eat Your Young

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"I'm starving, darlingLet me put my lips to somethingLet me wrap my teeth around the world"

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"I'm starving, darling
Let me put my lips to something
Let me wrap my teeth around the world"

Eat Your Young - Hozier
This song is sexy, I think of it as Tae's theme song

Spice - O - Meter: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Mainly because of morally gray Tae (he um, likes to talk ya thru it doesn't he) and baddie plotting Leila appearance



Only a day and night stood between Leila and the spring solstice.

It felt like forever.

She had made many preparations to the days leading. Talking to the castle seamstresses, creating a dress that was more meaningful than she could ever hope for. Would make a statement so impactful she could never take it back.

Just the thought of the dress, like the ghost of an old friend, made her eyes prick with tears.

But she had little time to think of such things. Much needed to be done before the ball. Lily was meant to come over, in preparation for her outfitting. It was the only way Leila could think to get Lily to her rooms, when she was meant to be setting up for the ball with the servants.

Then, there was to be a meeting with the nobles and higher men of the court. A meeting that Leila had been waiting for expectantly.

As it was another opportunity to make the prince contrite.

Or livid, depending how it went.

She had spent the night before pondering his pretty words, when she had promised herself not to. Because that's all they were. Words to fill a page. They did nothing to soothe the ever growing volatile ache within her.

If he wanted to be without her, she would not do so quietly. Would not be idle as it happened. Especially after all he had admitted the night before.

A knock on her door caused her to slam the book she was pretending to read shut. The princess quickly fished out the Ritual book from under her pillows, yelling for her friend to come in.

Leila quickly stood up, with book in hand, setting herself down on her large lavender and silver etched plush chair. She looks up at the sea glass sky on her ceiling, and begged the deities for some answers. Placing the large book down on the table before when her friend slyly slid through the door with scraps of fabric and a tray. Again, proving that Leila making her a lady in waiting only benefitted the princess more.

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