Chapter 34: If Time Stands Still

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"I would live a thousand lifetimesIf it's you I'm sent to findIf time stands stillMove I will to youThis world's filledSomehow I see you"

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"I would live a thousand lifetimes
If it's you I'm sent to find
If time stands still
Move I will to you
This world's filled
Somehow I see you"

Stand Still - Zayn Malik

Yeah idc that this song is used for the Silk Sheets trailer, it fits so perfectly for Solace 🫦

Spice-O-Meter: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ kinda?
Ft. Morally gray Tae


It hurt, to hear her cry. And to know he was the reason for it. How could it not, when her tears fell like liquid drops of moonlight. Crystalline reminders that he had failed to treat her as he promised.

It hurt to hear her laugh. And now he was not the reason behind that bright shock of sound, like the wind sailing through the rocks or the waves crashing to the shore.

What Leila had revealed to him, destroyed him.

It confirmed to him, was that he was a failure of a prince. And a failure as a son. And a failure to Leila, who he had to break his promises to.

The prince at his study, a bottle of the darkest wine open. His hair a mess, shirt unbuttoned as he had been for hours now. Alone, and still not at ease despite giving Aera the order to kill her mate. She has wanted to for years due to how cruel he was, and Taehyung had ignored her pleas.

It is why he had been gentle, kind to her earlier. Because Aera knew the only reason he was allowing it was for Leila's sake. Not her own. And still the look in Leila's eyes as she took in their close stance haunted him. And he let it go, let her think whatever wrongness she conjured in her mind. She looked at him like he was better off dead to her. The prince felt his heart stall again, lifting the wine to his lips and taking a large sip.

Maybe he deserved it. For doing the same to her when she first arrived, without the tenderness she needed. He had ripped out the stitches of a wound she had not yet known she had. All in the name of keeping her at a distance, far away from him so she'd never reach his heart.

Pity. It hadn't worked.

The King, his father. The man he hated with his entire soul, had been kind? Had loved? The woman the prince had believed to be tortured. Taehyung had spent that fateful night, going back on every interaction they ever had. It tore into him, without mercy. Because had it been him, who pushed his father away? Who had broken their relationship beyond repair? There were brief glimpses, brief moments where he remembered his father looking at him with sorrow. Such sorrow. And Taehyung had not cared. Wanting to only deepen that feeling for a man that would keep Sorina caged.

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