Chapter 33: Gilded Lily

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"Haven't I given enough, given enough?Always the fool with the slowest heartBut I know you'll take me with youWe'll live in spaces between walls"

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"Haven't I given enough, given enough?
Always the fool with the slowest heart
But I know you'll take me with you
We'll live in spaces between walls"

Gilded Lily - The Cults
(This is Lily's theme song :( )


"Intriguing." A velvet voice trailed from beside her.

A dream? It must've been, because Taehyung couldn't have possibly been in her room. She burrowed herself closer into the warm body next to her. His thinner frame smelled of vanilla and cream, and it put a smile onto her face. She squeezed his hand tighter, happy to find he still held into her even through the night. Hopefully he'd been able to sleep well.

"Go away." Mumbled Jimin, his voice groggy from sleep. She felt his chin rest on the top of her head, as he settled in closer to her as well.


Leila froze.

Jimin responded to the voice. That meant...

"Get up, now." Taehyung commanded, his voice the edge of a blade. Steely and dull all at once.

Leila's eyes flew open, shock resonating through her like an explosion.

The prince indeed stood over them, looking like the Angel of death. The moonlight filtered in from the windows, casting him in fragments of shadow. He was dressed in all black, the clothing threaded with an intricate gold. A new crown of onyx and sharpened gems sat atop his raven hair.

His expression, just as vacant as she remembered.

But it was not trained on her. No.

Instead his depthless eyes were unwavering on their conjoined hands.

Leila continued to stare a hole into the prince as he looked away from her, enraged. After all, why was he here? He had no right to be.

Jimin awoke, cursing as he looked between Leila and the prince. He quickly pulled his hand out from her grasp, no matter how much he'd enjoyed it. Launching himself away from her to a further end of the bed.

"What the fuck?!"

The prince never personally retrieved Jimin before. Of course, he had known he was in Leila's room.

Leila repeated Jimin's inquiry as she sat up in her bed. She did not have to try in order to make herself sound quietly fierce, "What are you doing in my rooms?"

Taehyung placed his hands behind his back, lifting his chin in a supercilious manner. Leila's anger only multiplied, as he looked at Jimin while addressing her.

"Gathering my inadequate and irresponsible advisor who should've already been by my side this morning. I seem to have discovered the reason why he is not."

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