Chapter 24: Hell

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"Cause even God herself has enemiesAnd once the water starts to riseAnd heaven's out of sightShe'll want the devil on her team"

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"Cause even God herself has enemies
And once the water starts to rise
And heaven's out of sight
She'll want the devil on her team"

All the good girls go to hell - Billie Eilish


I was back in the wretched cell. I lovingly named my cage Tartarus.

This time it was so cold, it bled into bones. Shards of icy glass cutting into my skin, and scraping along long stretches of coagulated blood. I shivered so hard I could barely see in front of me, the stone that caged me in most days. I couldn't even hum to pass the time, my teeth chattered until they ached. Winter leaching into my fingers and toes, stiffening them into rigor mortis.

It had been a year since my initial capture. A year since I have known warmth. A year since I have felt the touch of the moon upon my face, and I am lost.

Please. I am in pain.

Help me.

It seemed like my prayers had been answered. Someone was walking towards me. I willed myself to slide off the bed, using the frame itself to stand. I hoped it was one of the nicer servants, coming to give her blankets. Maybe a small fire if I were so lucky.

I wasn't.

The shadow coming forth in the night was not a servant. A measly noble.

No, it was the King himself.

"What are you doing here?" My voice was weak, unbearably so as I addressed the King. Anger pooled in my stomach. Had he come to gloat?

His usually silky dark hair was ruffled, his lips a dark red, plumped beneath his impossibly straight nose. His golden skin was flushed as his stare was hungry, bright. There was an intensity in his dark eyes that bubbled in my stomach. A feeling I needed to ignore. His golden skin was flushed as his stare was hungry, bright. A robe flowed around his heavily muscled body, flowing open slightly as he paced before her. His skin bleeding through the midnight fabric. My gaze trailed the opening, and I pulled back with a hiss. I hated him.

I hate him. With everything I had to offer, with the entirety of my being. For keeping me here. For letting me die slowly. For only touching me when it was necessary, to claim his blood right. For parading me around his court. For letting his partner torture me. For pitying me. For gracing me with extra food and water. For letting me rot away and sending me longing looks through the cage he placed me in. For visiting me and telling me stupid stories about his life I didn't want to hear, humanizing himself as he drank. For complaining about his life and all the hardship he had been through while I was sitting in a cell at his order.

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