Chapter 4: Rival

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"The tide is high It's sink or swim My only rival is within"

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"The tide is high
It's sink or swim
My only rival is within"


We getting a little 🌶 this chap 🥹


Leila thanked the gods she read books.

If she hadn't, she wouldn't have been able to put names to the feelings inside of her. She had been stoked into coal, taking away the flames inside her for so long.

When one of the characters had found out their loved ones had been murdered. When a villain took away the hero's chance of saving the world.

Wrath. Vengeance. Betrayal.

The Princess of the moon felt as if she would burn.

Jimin held onto her tightly as he pushed her down hallways, and it did not register. The shining walls of crystal and stone were unfamiliar, and she would soon learn them. Learn them so she could claw her way out of this world and end it.

She felt herself cave in, stumbling as the menacing advisor pulled on her again. Even if she did escape, she had no where to go back to.

And that twinge in her heart, that drop in her stomach. Described in books about romance and men and forbidden love. But she felt it, felt it at the loss of something greater.

Her home.

What she felt?


She was sure if she touched her chest, she wouldn't find a heartbeat. Just a hollow cavern.

"We're here, Princess." The delicate looking man said her title bitterly.

The girl startled as she was thrown through a doorway, Jimin walking in behind her and locking the door.

The girl quickly pulled out the knife on her thigh, chest heaving. Her eyes assessing his position in the room and how close the bed was too them.

Jimin took in the charged look in her eyes and held up his hands, "I am not going to hurt you. If I touch you Taehyung will have my-"

Leila laughed loudly, stopping his words. He looked surprised at the quiet girl, who loved silence and yet somehow made a room of ancient windows burst. He let his hands fall, his fake neck swallowing harshly.

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