Chapter 43: Paralyzed

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"Ancient sun cast your lightCause there's no hope in endless winterWhen you fall from the skyMy blood runs cold and I feel paralysed"

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"Ancient sun cast your light
Cause there's no hope in endless winter
When you fall from the sky
My blood runs cold and I feel paralysed"

Paralysed - Jamie Campbell (Get it Vecna)

(When I was listening to this song in the summer it's how I came up with the whole sun disappearing plot)

Spice-O-Meter: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️



I was colder tonight than I have been in a very long time.

I patted the front of my stomach, smoothing over the bump that was just beginning to show underneath the layers of gown. Hidden away from all that would wish the sprouting seed any harm.

There was much to be warm for.

"Sorina!" I heard my name before I saw him.

The cell turned colder, my blood freezing. I could tell from the frayed edge of the King's usually strong voice, that something terrible has occurred.

My cage was open within seconds. The man raced in, barreling into my embrace like a child. Careful to not press too harshly into my stomach. He clung to me desperately, his large hands wrapping into my nightgown.

"What is the matter Jae? You are scaring me."

The man tried to calm his breath, his eyes filled with apology. Sadness. Disgust. He pressed a gentle kiss to my stomach, before lifting himself to my level.

His eyes spoke for him. They always drew tight between his brows, when he knew he might upset her.

"The Queen is with child."

He wouldn't dare speak her true name. Anastasia. I had learned the name and burned it into her mind, as the person who tormented me relentlessly before our agreement. The Queen enjoyed watching the King have his way with me, believing it to be an act of violence.

"What poor soul did she convince to take her to bed? And, I assume she is saying it's your child though you haven't lay with her in years."  I tsked, knowing it was just another ceaseless ploy on the list of many to garner his attention.

He shook his head. What I saw in his eyes would haunt me forever.

"No, she carries my blood in her. When you mate, it's impossible for someone else to impregnate them. It's never, she's never-"

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