A Stranger in a Not-So-Strange Land

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Is it weird to have your grandma as one of the people you text the most?  The answer is yes. Yes it is. But I've always had a good relationship with her and we watched 863 together. 


It's not that I couldn't believe it, I knew why they stopped, and it's not like there's not going to be any 863 content ever. They're just switching do a different media.


And an absurd amount of heart emojis. It is 10:35, I should really get to sleep. Like that's ever going to happen. As I settled in for the night, I heard a buzzing noise. Probably just the laundry next door. But I fell asleep unusually quick, I never fall asleep this quick. What was that in the corner?



I slammed my hand on the clock, or rather, I tried to. Why is it so far away? I specifically put my alarm clock next to my bed so I wouldn't have to get up in the morning. I opened my eyes...

"What the hell!!"

This was not my apartment. Sure, this was an apartment, but this was not my apartment. Where am I? All my stuff was here, no, this is all wrong. I wanted to hide underneath the covers, but those were unfamiliar as well. The alarm clock sounded again.

"Oh shut up."

I said as I slammed down my hand as hard as I could on top of the clock. It, blessedly, stopped. But as my hand was still over by the bedside table, I saw a paper.

I know you must be confused but give me a chance



Alright, one of my friends must have set this up. Fine. I'll humor them. I dialed in the number.


"State your name."

"Haha. Very funny. That's a good Deborah impression you've got there."

"I'm sorry that I had to bring you here on such short notice. I need your help."

"As I said, very, funny. Now you're going to tell me where the hell I am."


"Not helpful. Look , if you "want my help"  you're going to have to tell me what's going on."

"The timeline is veering off track. I feel adding you to the project will help."

"Do I get a touching letter about how I remind you of one of your very sad, very pathetic friends?"

"Actually, yes. Look at the papers I have put next to this number. These will debrief you before you have to head to work."

"Work? Where do I work?"

"Spellbound, as you probably know it. You are main cameraman and an editor for the 863 videos."

"Fun. If I die, I'm blaming you."

I hung up. I hung up. I just hung up on Deborah. Well, assuming that this isn't a very well thought out , very well executed prank. I turned my attention to the papers that she had mentioned. I decided to look at the letter first.


Your pursuit for answers and the truth is a virtue to treasure. You work and work until the problem at hand is completed. I know that if you were given the chance you might actually work yourself to death. Because of this, you remind me of Benjamin.

      Really? That's rich. Well, now I know that I mean nothing to her.

Be careful. Your interest and curiosity might get you in a tight spot one of these days. Don't follow Ben's path into darkness. I know you came into the project late, you might feel at a disadvantage, but I believe your skills will help us get out of this alive, and hopefully well.


Compared to a guy on serum. Thanks.  Is it as bad as being compared to Nelson? I'm not sure. What does she mean "the timeline's veering off track?" They took out the Spire, discovered Autumn, found Deb's secret secret hidey-hole. What's wrong? I looked at the file. It was basically telling me what's happened so far. The last thing that happened was destroying the server. So I'm back in time?  My clock beeped again. I needed to get to work

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