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We were at Megadesk. I was standing while Sam, Bailey, and Woods sat in the few chairs that were in the back of the room. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, usually I would pace but the room was too small to do that. Someone made a joke, something about "Joking Off" causing everyone to laugh including me who wasn't really conscious of anything that was happening. I was still processing the writing. Matt finally downloaded the videos.

At first there was nothing, just the wall, no writings, no nothing. Then out of the blue, a C appeared. The rest of the letters came shortly after. Everyone was freaking out. It didn't make any sense. I, as usual, said nothing. I watched on in stunned shock. It was coming through the wall, that's what Woods said. Was he right? That was the only explanation, but why was it coming through the wall? What was causing this? Why am I here? Because Deb told me to be. Because she kidnapped me and shoved me into this new, insane, life.

"That's where I sit!" Bailey yelled, she was crying.

"How is that possible?!" Classic Matt phrase.

"It's not!!" Woods yelled.

Woods was right. This wasn't  possible. Ghosts, everyone decided, was the only explanation.

"Maybe that's why they're called phantoms." Sam said absentmindedly.

Matt had a thought and searched up the meaning of phantom(s). "A figment of the imagination."    Imagination? Everyone at the studio knew for a fact that this wasn't "imagination". So, what, are we not supposed to take that literally? Right, this is Google, probably not some clue. Why was someone breaking in, a much more comforting thought compared  to a ghost. It didn't make sense!

"Olivia? You got anything to say? You've been awfully quiet." Matt asked. They had been talking while I zoned out.

"I was just thinking. It just doesn't make any sense." I rubbed my hand over my face in frustration. 

"These didn't happen on the same night." Matt said. We all shared a collective "What!?" They were happening every night at 3AM. We knew where this was going. But before anyone confirmed my thoughts, we decided to show everyone else at the studio. They were all surprised, said it was weird. They all originally thought that it was a prank, those are common in this kind of place. 

We spent the most  time with Shenelle. We entertained multiple, insane theories. Matt started talking but Sam cut him off, clearly not wanting to do another overnight, especially with the threat of a ghost. But Matt started monologue-ing .

"So what? We're just supposed to live in this crazy world then? We're totally gonna let go and go,' You know what, we gave all this up, Project 863 is dead.' Yes, but at the same time are we just going to like ignore the terrifying writing on the wall that shows up every night?"

He had a point. I did want a normal, not Syntec-infested job. But I wanted answers. And who was going to put up with writing on the wall? 

"Y'all need to make a decision, who's staying with me? Woods? I know I can count on you man."

"Yeah, yeah." Woods replied, impartial to the situation at hand.

"I'm with you. I can't live with not figuring this out." I agreed.

Shortly after, Sam and Bailey agreed.

"Let's do this"

The camera was cut. And we needed to prepare.

The Copy: Project 863Where stories live. Discover now