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(Ben's POV)

After I made sure the team was safe, I went back to the S.P.I.R.E.. I went back to my work. I continued working for a week or so before the 'incident' happened.

I was working on compiling anything I could on Syntec. I heard tires rolling overhead, Matt? Olivia? Who else would it be? The hatch was pulled open. And to my horror, a phantom climbed down the ladder. I ran to the bat I kept next to where I slept. You've fought worse. You can do this. And I was doing well until two more phantoms entered. While I severely injured one and possibly another, I was eventually seized and brought to my knees, my arms kept securely behind my back. What is going to happen? Who is in charge now? Gary? No Deborah took care of him. My question was answered when a woman entered the room.

"Autumn?" I hadn't seen her in years. I don't even remember the last time I saw her. "What do you want?" This wasn't the time to talk.

"I was hoping you wouldn't struggle too much." She tilted her head to one side, as if thinking. "Oh! He is going to be so happy that you will be there for him!" She laughed in pure glee. 

"Who?" I had my guesses but Nelson was dead, for good now.

"Why, my sweet baby!" She laughed again. What is wrong with her? And they thought I was the crazy one. 

"He's dead." I insisted.

"Oh! Right! You don't know yet!" She continued to smile.

"What, do I not know?" I said darkly.

"Oh you'll see!" Her excitement was exhausting."You just have to sleep first." At this I panicked. I'm not letting them sedate me. Never. Never again. I struggled more once I saw another phantom that was behind  Autumn, holding a syringe filled partly with a clear liquid. I kept fighting. I won't go back. I can't go back. The one with the syringe grabbed a ball of my hair to keep me still. I couldn't move anymore. I couldn't protest as I felt the needle pierce my skin. After a while I nodded off, scared to death.


I woke to a sterilized chill, I immediately recognized it as Syntec. I was in a painfully bright, white box. Glass, was what the walls were made of. Two-way glass actually. I was sitting against the 'back' wall, glass. To my left and right were walls also made of the glass, the wall directly in front of me was a white wall with a secure door in the centre. The door made a pressured sound as it opened, revealing my worst nightmare. Something that was impossible.

Nelson Syphus.

No. No. Nononononno. That's wrong. That can't be right! No he's dead! No. No! It's a trick! It has to be! The man in front of me was Nelson Syphus. Not the replacement that I had been conversing with over the years, it was him. I suddenly got tunnel vision. This is wrong. 

"Hello Benjamin." he said slowly, drawing out my name. The one he ignored for years. My fear was suddenly replaced with anger. 

"What do you want?" I asked. I stood up once he started walking closer.

"Well I certainly couldn't just, let you go." He laughed in his humorless way. "You clearly had to be taught a lesson." He doesn't have a hold on you anymore.

It was my turn to laugh. "And what's that? You don't have power over me anymore."

"Is that so?" That's what he wanted. He wanted to prove me wrong. The door was closed and locked. Nelson locked his gaze on me, a violent gleam in his eye.


(No POV)

If the phantoms guarding the door heard the muffled screams from inside, they didn't make any move to stop what was happening. And even if they could hear them, I doubt they were conscious enough to recognize them as belonging to someone they knew. No-one would come to save him, at least, not before severe damage had been done.

Finally, after a long period of time. Nelson knocked on the door, the phantoms opened it. Nelson walked out covered in blood, with a sick, pleased look on his face. He had won. At least, for now.

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